General C++ Programming - March 2021 (Page 7)

Number Frequency
Allow the user to enter values between 1-9, up to 2 billion values. When the user enters a 0 report...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int freq { }; std::cout << "En... (by seeplus)
Stuck, Not sure how to get this to run
Hey Im getting an error at line 30. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State E...
[8 replies] Last: Just use one map: #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <stri... (by seeplus)
Sorting Name with Quantity HELP!!
I am creating an inventory system that tracks inventory. I need to sort the names of the products a...
[3 replies] Last: Good. There are two parts to programming: logic and syntax. What to d... (by keskiverto)
Please help!!
/* I am trying to make a program that takes an average of two numbers using multiple functions and o...
[8 replies] Last: How to use code tags: HIN... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Trying to finalize recursive function for queen problem
I am trying to finish code in my void function, however I'm not sure what I am missing in my void fu...
[1 reply] : A recursive function needs a recursive call! #include <iostream> us... (by dutch)
How to extract the digit of a binary number in c++?
If i require the user to input a binary number, eg. "000010011", how can I extract each digit from t...
[14 replies] Last: tingcymimi, for the future, if you do post on multiple forums, it is g... (by Ganado)
Unitialized memory
the following code is to a program that will layout a table that will convert celsius to fahrenheit ...
[19 replies] Last: = is assignment when you do fahrenheit = (celsius * 1.8) + 32.0; it... (by ne555)
by MA2121
Need Assistance fixing this program
Three cars drive a 500 mile route. Write a program that inputs the car make and the number of gallon...
[2 replies] Last: Read the assignment carefully. Every sentence dictates something abou... (by dhayden)
by Nitron
Need Help in homework on input/output stream
Hi, I got this new homework assignment but am extremely lost since this is a fairly new topic. The a...
[1 reply] : First you should design the program. Consider what inputs and outputs ... (by seeplus)
Fixing the program
Rewrite the following program correcting any mistakes and adding missing code so that it reads a val...
[6 replies] Last: Without error messages: #include <fstream> int main() { std::ifst... (by seeplus)
Does c/c++ main source calling a function/library dynamically still need its header
Does c/c++ main/caller source calling a function/library dynamically still need its declaration head...
[4 replies] Last: Could be worse. At least he doesn't seem to be a stealth spammer. Perh... (by dutch)
by frek
Different sorting on a vector
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <locale> st...
[17 replies] Last: @JLBorges std::partition preserves values; it just swaps elements. Go... (by frek)
March 2021 Pages: 1... 567
  Archived months: [feb2021] [apr2021]

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