by jman1994
Help with Quiz Grader
[4 replies] Last: I think it's helpful to copy/paste the assignment into your source cod... (by dhayden)
by QueenJJ
Validation in classes
[3 replies] Last: doug4's validateMonth() is a good start, but you'll need more. I sugge... (by dhayden)
by julie2019
PVS-Studio Static Analysis
[no replies]
by marhuum
Set in Visual Studio a breakpoint, or else, in order to intercept a click on button in dockable window
[1 reply] : Buttons send either a WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY message. Set your break... (by thmm)
by BagoLGJ
Hollow rectangle, with X at its center whenver the entered values are both ODD.
[5 replies] Last: Did you even program the original yourself or did you just find it on ... (by salem c)
by frek
Why is C still that more popular than C++!?
[7 replies] Last: Thanks so much for that great explanation and info. I'm also sure as a... (by frek)
by gedamial
Why is move() causing me trouble when constructing object?
[6 replies] Last: > why was it crashing? it was calling the copy-constructor, the defaul... (by ne555)
by Zaap
Qt random crash
[5 replies] Last: @coder777 I'm calling a join() for each thread at line 42, so there's ... (by Zaap)
by adam2016
MAD (multiply addition devide) hashing question
[12 replies] Last: makes sense, so it's a science within itself thanks guys (by adam2016)
Decimal to Binary |
[3 replies] Last: some math that can help... hex and binary are directly related. so if... (by jonnin)
by PoorBoiz
Throw exception: read access violation
[8 replies] Last: #jlb Thanks for your help! It would be good recommend for me! (by PoorBoiz)
Find all occurrences |
[1 reply] : No, but you could soon write one. #include <iostream> #include <vect... (by lastchance)
by jeynmann
have a problem with std::map when use a custom class as key
[2 replies] Last: Thx dutch very much. THe cmp func does have problems. The program work... (by jeynmann)
by hartmanb
convert an integer to Char*
[3 replies] Last: Since each choice of string is a fixed length... #include <iostream>... (by salem c)
Help with switching (if else loop) to (while loop) C++ |
[1 reply] : for loops and while loops are semantically very similar. But if/else ... (by salem c)
by ravss2
accessing private members using base pointer
[8 replies] Last: when derived class overrides the base function , but function is in p... (by marhuum)
by VaasKahnGrim
Need help learning how to detour a functtion stored in a DLL
[5 replies] Last: [quote=jonnin]visual studio used to have a depends.exe 3rd party upda... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Kenneth14
[4 replies] Last: input any equation to solve it? ^^ This is huge. There is a reason th... (by jonnin)
by marhuum
C++ sptr_t type, and also uptr_t, means
[4 replies] Last: Thanks.. Good news! By you all have helped us sincerely, we have bette... (by marhuum)
by thatguy413
Running Tests on Multiple Permutations
[3 replies] Last: Ok, Thanks for the help. I will look over those and test them out to s... (by thatguy413)