by LucasArroyo
convert program
[3 replies] Last: Shouldn't the inner loop increment up to width ? (by doug4)
by stav17
compiling error
[1 reply] : I think it's just saying that your program does not have a main() func... (by Peter87)
by Mark657
int to int
[7 replies] Last: Fixed: arrays have to have a size at compile time. won't do. it see... (by jonnin)
by nolecelson
Need help with error messages "LNK2019"
[3 replies] Last: And if you didn't find the cause of the 2nd link error: displayString... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by LucasArroyo
class BoxOfProduce c++
[3 replies] Last: Line 15: How many strings do you think you're allocating? Why is Box... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Mamadujuma
[3 replies] Last: roughly, for a vector average: for (auto n : a) avg+= n; avg/=a.size(... (by jonnin)
by chrisben
How can I pass value through a specialized template class?
[11 replies] Last: Thank you very much, JLBorges. (by chrisben)
by Mandolor
Help with some structures/for loops
[2 replies] Last: string name; cin >> name; That is formatted input that skips prefix ... (by keskiverto)
by Halken
Roman Numbers
[1 reply] : > I've been asked to complete the following class questions. And now ... (by salem c)
by ccaudle
Help with converting tolower string
[1 reply] : This is a “prove you have been paying attention in class and reading... (by Duthomhas)
by stav
Templated NonCopyable Singleton class ?
[3 replies] Last: [quote=stav] i get an error on line 7 I apologize for adding a post i... (by Enoizat)
by Deamer
I have python code, I want to chang it to C++. How to di it?
[4 replies] Last: boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 2] > 10] boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 3] > 10] boxe... (by ne555)
by altbrian
FailCheck a Char.
[4 replies] Last: all 3 ideas behave slightly differently. I was going off the idea tha... (by jonnin)
by plexus
Using strings in switch statement
[8 replies] Last: To solve your specific problem, take the easy way: an if..else if sequ... (by Duthomhas)
by alexandrap98
Going blank after input
[4 replies] Last: or, in beginner speak, conditions are explicit. the compiler does no... (by jonnin)
by williamTi
virtual function
[2 replies] Last: how run time polymorphism(i.e;one name multiple forms) is achieved th... (by keskiverto)
by imthemilkman
not sure where the error is
[4 replies] Last: Does this version give you the same errors? #include <fstream> #incl... (by Enoizat)
by CABrouwers
Generic function pointer type
[2 replies] Last: class Thing { std::function<void()> callback; public: void setCallb... (by Peter87)
by Starries
Creating a class book
[2 replies] Last: Line 4 should not have a ; Line 8: author and title only hold a sing... (by AbstractionAnon)
by CABrouwers
Absatrct class destructors : why ?
[1 reply] : If I understand well an abstract class needs to have an explicitly de... (by Peter87)