General C++ Programming - June 2021 (Page 2)

Check if there is at least one sequence of three zeros in the list
I need to check if there is at least one sequence of three zeros in the list (array) using an array ...
[2 replies] Last: just please help me figure it out, Use the debugger to trace throug... (by seeplus)
Aggregation relationship and pointer
I have some question with the pointer, how should I do if I want to add the item array into a custom...
[2 replies] Last: Ouh I see, thank you so much! (by saltyyyyy)
Reading from multiple txt files (i.e 100 txt files) with one ifstream
Hello, Any ideas of how to read from multiple txt files (i.e 100 txt files) with one ifstream? Is...
[15 replies] Last: I saw it. Thanks really a lot for helping me out! (by gevCplus)
object oriented programming
I have problem in the pointer aggregation, if we aggregate an array in a class to another class, how...
[4 replies] Last: but it works! I doubt it. It doesn't crash because you forget to inc... (by kbw)
Plz your help!
Hello, I created a program doing the following thing: Read from txt files, calculate a number cal...
[16 replies] Last: No worries, you can read all about it at this link: https://en.cppref... (by TheIdeasMan)
by vboro
Searching the biggest value of 'H' shaped regions in a matrix
Hi! I got the task where I must find the H shaped region which has the biggest sum of numbers in it...
[8 replies] Last: there is probably some slick way to do it making use of overlapping, b... (by jonnin)
Important Pair question #2
Hello again, I am having problem with the following. I am trying to read data with commas from a tx...
[4 replies] Last: Possibly something like: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #in... (by seeplus)
object oriented programming
hello everyone, I am facing a problem in displaying the output here is the code #include <iostr...
[15 replies] Last: solved! thank you so much (by saltyyyyy)
What does a colon : do after a class definition?
I'm trying to debug some code and I see class SomeClassHere : public AnotherClassHere { public...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thats interesting. Thanks. (by sonofptolemy)
STL Pair questions
Hello guys, I have the three following questions: 1)Suppose we have the following set of pairs (se...
[3 replies] Last: Guys thank you very much for your replies! (by gevCplus)
Convention for which source file to put your includes
This is a question about convention I think since it seems it does not matter where you put your inc...
[8 replies] Last: So then @jonnin would it look odd to have virtually no #includes in yo... (by jonnin)
The finished code needs an explanation
Hello everyone, I have a code that matches the following assignment: 1) Count the number of occur...
[5 replies] Last: As a first refactor, possibly consider: #include <iostream> #incl... (by seeplus)
Line drawing function fails strangely...
Hello. I followed a tutorial that explained how to draw a line in C++, my version of the result code...
[8 replies] Last: G++ 9.2.0. Ah, it seems that after a brief project refresh it was reso... (by SirEnder125)
Error writing objects of a class to file
Hello everybody. I am learning C ++ programming by myself, watching YouTube videos about C ++ pro...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your help. I changed the program from std :: strin... (by javier55)
by vboro
Problem with char** typed function
Hi! I got the task where I must get first and middle name of authors from a .txt file and sort them...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome - glad I could help! It's an easy mistake to make. In... (by MikeyBoy)
Unable to read object form file
Unable to read object from file when using std::string or char * but i really have to use any of th...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks you all for answers (by lablnet)
code tags not working
Hi, I'm trying to use code tags when posting but it doesn't work for me. I read the instructions ...
[1 reply] : The forum is buggy and the format buttons and preview do not work when... (by Ganado)
Confusion about line drawing code - "Strange" use of floating-point type.
Hello. I was following a tutorial about how to draw a line
[2 replies] Last: Alright. So, for instance, x1 + ((y - y1) * slope) will have a diffe... (by SirEnder125)
Please assist or show me how to finish one of the .cpp files in a Banking program with header files (1,2)
Problem Description: This program covers the above concepts with an example that is dealing with ban...
[28 replies] Last: Re-read this comment from 10 days ago, especially the paragraph 3rd fr... (by dhayden)
The promise of GUI on all platforms
In the early days of my programming hobby, I wrote for DOS and if I wanted a button, I had to draw i...
[4 replies] Last: But no-one starts new gui projects using WIN32 API (or unlikely MFC) t... (by jonnin)
June 2021 Pages: 12345
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