by mikepukmel
compiling rocksdb from sources on windows 10 (vstudio 2015)
[10 replies] Last: Just the old ones. Thanks for the tip, I'll get everything new and tr... (by mikepukmel)
by GonlyG
Calculating Y = Kx + B getting wrong answers
[5 replies] Last: also, the first loop is to input data, the second loop is for actual c... (by GonlyG)
by adam2016
Problem with my jumping simulation
[6 replies] Last: that makes sense :), so basically if there is a plethora of events in ... (by adam2016)
by NoNameoN
Bitonic Sort C++ whit MPI
[1 reply] : Which bit don't you understand - the bitonic sort or the MPI paralleli... (by lastchance)
by Scarletpimp
How to dynamically allocate and free memory for the below structure
[4 replies] Last: You can give the class it's own overloaded new / delete. https://www.g... (by salem c)
by ytba
Convert into C++
[4 replies] Last: Well pretty much every if / for / End if / End for in your pseudo cod... (by salem c)
by ytba
Coverting to C++
[1 reply] : A c++ for loop looks like this: for (initial, condition, action) ini... (by jonnin)
by frek
C++ strong types
[2 replies] Last: There's two dimensions when it comes to typing in a language. - First... (by Ganado)
by GonlyG
Tic Tac Toe algorithm timing out on long cases
[14 replies] Last: TTT is sometimes used to explain a concept of 'transposition tables' w... (by jonnin)
by marhuum
Pass enum in a scope to another as function argument
[6 replies] Last: it works fine for me if you just replace the forward decl of L with th... (by jonnin)
by zapshe
CPP Project and Review
[2 replies] Last: Years ago I wrote a sudoku solver program in C++ and found that it con... (by dhayden)
by julie2019
CppCast: Web Assembly
[no replies]
by frek
Code review and Lambdas
[14 replies] Last: lambdas have types Some strictness is required when using terminology... (by Ganado)
by HS05669
hospital management system
[1 reply] : How many threads there will be on the same "hospital"? (Double-posting... (by keskiverto)
by mbahgito90
Binary Search where the data is ordered in descending order.
[2 replies] Last: (After changing your sample data to be ordered descending) there is on... (by lastchance)
by Odglog
How to design custom characters for the console?
[4 replies] Last: I'm really sorry about the delay, I was really busy, thanks for the re... (by Odglog)
by ourarash
C++ Starter template repo for Bazel and Visual Studio Code with GTest, Glog, and Abseil libraries
[no replies]
by somedude
C++ getting the average from just one line
[7 replies] Last: jonnin. thank you that makes sense. i will mark this as solved. (by somedude)
by adam2016
Collision problem SDL
[12 replies] Last: I'm kind of not sure about point one You're doing it already. :) Yo... (by dhayden)
by lablnet
Can anyone explain me Read/Write structure objects to file
[3 replies] Last: okay, thanks to all. (by lablnet)