General C++ Programming - June 2018 (Page 2)

RGB colors
Hi, I want to know how to use more colors in visual studio 2015, because I need more than thge defau...
[2 replies] Last: (by helios)
C++ outputs "x" as an integer.
Hi, so I recently started learning C++ and I first decided to make a quadratic calculator. I have se...
[15 replies] Last: I think Mahir wants what you call "mixed" notation. Here's an example... (by Ganado)
why the content of my pointer is nill?
hi, I create a pointer, but the content of this pointer is nill. why this happen? ================...
[6 replies] Last: Multiple posts on same problem is "doubleposting" and that is not help... (by keskiverto)
by krisb
What in the world is going on?
I don't know whats happening here. I've been having a lit of issues with arrays lately. Other exampl...
[3 replies] Last: In a multi-D array The elements are contiguous. constexpr size_t CO... (by keskiverto)
by krisb
assigning a value to a string
I am trying to assign values to strings. For instance, I want to say If (apple value > pear value...
[4 replies] Last: thank you so much ! struct is exactly what I need (by krisb)
by krisb
trying to avoid repition
I'm trying to create a way to store information where the most recent data has a greater influence. ...
[3 replies] Last: jonnin, you are right on the money, thank you so much (by krisb)
by Lex33
State Diagramm Sketch
Hello Guys again I am now trying another task and wanted to ask you if my state DIagram is correct? ...
[17 replies] Last: Doug still there ? Well, I generally don't respond on weekends. To... (by doug4)
Sample libcurl code from internet compiles but doesn't seem to do anything?
I finally got this sample piece of code that uses libcurl to compile but it doesn't seem to do anyth...
[1 reply] : I want it to log in to a specific site with the credentials i hard cod... (by aseagle)
how to use a function parameter in the function body?
I want to use object M in the function body but It dose not implement,when I create another object f...
[4 replies] Last: This in itself seems ok: void MacTdma::NodeLocation( MobileNode* M ) ... (by keskiverto)
Use less RAM for vector (1,2)
I have a text file that's about 3.2GB that I stream into a vector, and if there are too many program...
[20 replies] Last: yea its 8GB on the hardware. anyway, enough of all that... please... (by jonnin)
Types of database engines powered by C ++
Sql SQLite Mysql Sybase Adaptive Server SQL Server Oracle PostgreSQL IBASE: Borland IBM DB2 ...
[no replies]
Architecture help
Hi, We have a simulation running environment where it reads the data from text file(Hex data) and ru...
[7 replies] Last: Any suggestions? (by srk1986)
double to int conversion
auto maximum = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() & ~uint64_t(0xFFF); double d = maximum...
[12 replies] Last: There is this, not sure if it will make any difference: https://en.cp... (by TheIdeasMan)
Need help desperately
Hello, I need help to create a program with the following requirements: Given initial balance, r...
[1 reply] : This looks like it'd be someone's homework. That being said, they alr... (by roger911)
When to move to Graphics Programming
Good Evening, I have been programming for some time now with console applications getting a good f...
[2 replies] Last: Jump right into it. You'll learn and improve your programming knowledg... (by Uk Marine)
OpenCV issue with template matching
Looking for someone who may be able to help me with OpenCV. I'm trying to utilize OpenCV for its ...
[no replies]
Finding Prime Numbers -Help Needed-
Hey guys, I'm trying to write a program that loops through numbers 1 to 100 and adds all the prime n...
[2 replies] Last: Okay sounds good :) It actually turned out the exercise was much simpl... (by bradltr95)
Searching Directory for .CSV file and Searching file (1,2)
I am storing each row of the CSV in a string. I.E: row1 outputs: John, More, 33, 80 How can i search...
[21 replies] Last: here is what I have now. It runs but However the data is not outputtin... (by akarbarz)
Copying objects from one vector to another
The program I'm working on is beginning to get the better of me. I'm storing class objects (each one...
[4 replies] Last: Wow! Thank you to everyone! I'll digest this information and see what ... (by PeterHicks)
Replacing object in vector of derived objects “no matching function to call”
I have class Employee and derived class Worker and Intern. I store them in vector<shared_ptr<Employe...
[1 reply] : The error says that you try to initialize a Worker with a shared_ptr o... (by keskiverto)
June 2018 Pages: 1234... 9
  Archived months: [may2018] [jul2018]

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