General C++ Programming - January 2020 (Page 8)

Using bubble sort in an array inside a class
Hello everybody, I am a computer science student and I am trying to finish my first course project ...
[2 replies] Last: notation for arrays is probably the way to go. You will also be usi... (by jonnin)
Text file statistics
Write a program, which takes a text file as its input and produces another text file containing the ...
[3 replies] Last: Then it looks like counting all characters could be achieved with seek... (by keskiverto)
for my project and am confused about the question and how to answer it
Write a C++ Program to enter the names, matric number and score of 6 courses using arrays.compute th...
[18 replies] Last: I can see that i just wish others are like you, the earth would be a b... (by emmility)
C++ for setting all object's member values to zero not at declaration..
Anyone know C++ way in setting all of an object's member values to zero not at declaration/definitio...
[2 replies] Last: We can assign an anonymous value-initialised object of the same type... (by JLBorges)
C++ Help with Arrays
Hello everyone. I am currently in the process of creating my first C++ project, involving a set of d...
[4 replies] Last: lastchance Perfect answer! Thanks again for your help. This made a lot... (by jsanti2519)
Percentage of two integers
I am trying to calculate the percentage of value a of a+b. I want to know how much percent a's are c...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, question settled. (by againtry)
by ravss2
using object as key of a Map- Error
I am trying to use object of one class as a key of a map that is used in other class. But getting th...
[14 replies] Last: I have opened a new post for the relevant solution I am working on her... (by ravss2)
by volang
HTTP Webserver with SOCKETS
This issue probably applies to HTTP but someone may have experienced something similar when program...
[3 replies] Last: 10054 means the socket is closed. The only method I can think of to t... (by kbw)
Scheduling Program Question
I'm attempting to create a program where the user can create a checklist. The user can then check of...
[11 replies] Last: Quite possibly Carol - still got the shits for me picking on her ungra... (by againtry)
Linking Error - Visual Studio 2010
Error 1: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'xerces-c_3D.lib' Possible Reason: lib no...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. (by akash16)
by obeeey
How to reset SDL_GetTicks SDL 2.0 ?
Hi, I wanted to create a time counter for my simple game which would reset to zero every time it re...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for help @Ganado, that works! I have a question though, I p... (by obeeey)
Multiply the elements of an array
I want to multiply all the elements of an array a1 with an array a2 and to store those results in ...
[3 replies] Last: // Example program #include <iostream> using std::cout; int main() {... (by Ganado)
Input and Output problem
How can I stop an input and start an output after the input of two 0's?If the input is for example: ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks againtry and dutch for your help (by yabi2943993)
by ruzip
Android load and call Native Library with Pure C/C++
I am using the set up which uses Pure C/C++ code or hasCode="false" in AndroidManifest.xml. I wou...
[1 reply] : I have zero droid experience but it seems to me this would work like a... (by jonnin)
C++ code is running in Windows 7 but not in windows 10
Hi All, I have build my project on Windows 7 64-bit on Visual Studio 10(I know its old but I dont...
[10 replies] Last: Hey Problem solved. Thanks Furry Guy. Thanks all to understand the is... (by akash16)
alias for variable of array one and/or two dimension
How to make alias for variable of a one and/or two dimensional array as alias of int: int k; int& ...
[3 replies] Last: > How to make alias for variable of a one and/or two dimensional array... (by JLBorges)
by H00G0
Why can't you use vector iterator to go through vector? (1,2)
Hey guys! I'm currently getting myself used to using the more recent ways of making for loops wit...
[20 replies] Last: Heh, in a way, mbozzi, your "misremembering" was helpful to me. I fou... (by deleted account xyzzy)
basic 3x3 scrambler
So i want to make an app that gives me a scramble for a 3x3 rubiks cube. The thing is i cant have it...
[3 replies] Last: thanks ill try it (by johnjohn)
by ravss2
Find Whether a string exists(or can be made up of) in a given set of characters
I have written a solution (kind of c/c++) , but looking for kind of optimized c++ solution for below...
[19 replies] Last: ohh, I understand Good! I was guessing some form of secret messagin... (by againtry)
What is wrong with this constructor?? class Event { public: Event(Message cm, BaseEn...
[2 replies] Last: The main problem is that current_message and fsm are references. ... (by coder777)
January 2020 Pages: 1... 6789
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