General C++ Programming - January 2018 (Page 3)

Multiple c++ OpenGL errors that I don't know how to fix...
Hello I am making a window in OpenGL (I assume) and I get 42 errors here are two that I am trying to...
[3 replies] Last: And you have other typos as well, if you still want to get your progra... (by Ganado)
trappings of stof()
Please tell me how to keep stof. Ive read it to be problematic. I am getting an error \src\mai...
[18 replies] Last: That worked, thank you. (by technologist)
Best Graphics Lib for Static Link
Hello All, I'm currently using Allegro 4.4.3 with both Eclipse (for Linux) and Portable Dev C++ (...
[no replies]
time_get<> : I/P from cin is OK; I/P from an istringstream gives an error
I have used the time_get<> facet's get_date() method to read a date from the following sources: (i...
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How do I change the colour of data points in a C++ generated Excel chart?
I am in the midst of creating a project in C++ where I have to display some of my results on an ex...
[no replies]
C++ programs not running in codeblocks!!😕😕
Hi all, Please help me to solve a problem mentioned below. when i try to run my c++ programs in ...
[1 reply] : For some reason your program crashed. Without code it's impossible to ... (by Thomas1965)
Sharing part of files without disclosing functions definition of other files
Hi, Let's say I have a C++ code with 3 libraries, A, B, and C, each containing .h, .inl, and a fe...
[1 reply] : The problem main problem is dealing with templates. So the trick is t... (by kbw)
C++ App Ideas - 2018
Hey guys, I just wanted to know your opinion on some app ideas that need to be made or can be impr...
[no replies]
Abstract class, polymorphism and memory managment
Based on my understanding C++ manages memory for me by cleaning it when variable becomes out of scop...
[9 replies] Last: > What are strategies to manage memory in such usecase? Repeat: For ... (by JLBorges)
C++ Instant charger program ???
Hello, guys, I was just wondering if it is possible for you to write a programme that gives your dev...
[2 replies] Last: wireless chargers do exist, at tiny ranges, see your electric toothbru... (by jonnin)
How to use cmath function to round the nearest hundred
I am working on a project for class. I need to round a large number ex.((pi to 10 power)or(93650.237...
[1 reply] : This should do it. Basically, it removes the two last digits before it... (by Ganado)
C++ and OpenGL error please help
Hello I have an error with c++ and OpenGL... So I added glfw3.h into the include folder in dev c++ a...
[3 replies] Last: Nevermind I forgot int main... :Facepalm: (by FlamingBurrito15)
Beginner in C++
Hi, and thanks for your help. I'm trying to write a program that will prompt a user to enter an a...
[1 reply] : This question may fit the Beginners section a bit better. Last questi... (by wizebin)
C++ Quincy beginner code question
does my code meet these requirements? The BONUS on a salesman’s SALES is a. zero if SALES is ...
[2 replies] Last: does my code meet these requirements? No, it doesn't compile and it... (by lastchance)
Error: expected primary-expression before 'const'
Hello guys, I've been working on a log in programme and there seems to be a problem with it - error:...
[2 replies] Last: This looks like a duplicate of the most recent question you asked in: ... (by MikeyBoy)
password character length
Can someone show me how to write a programme that knows how many letters your password is, I'm tryin...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <... (by Repeater)
C++ Strange Login error
#include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string const username; std::string...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string use... (by jono ava)
separating dollars and cents
How does one separate dollars and cents? For instance, if I write a program that outputs, $5.36 h...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { const int CENTS_PER_DOLLAR = 10... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by ztdep
convert double to string with "to_string"
Dear friends: I convert a double "1E-20" to a string with "to_string" function, but i only get ...
[2 replies] Last: std::to_string() may return zero for small floating point numbers (... (by JLBorges)
by stav
[mingw] cc1plus permission denied
hey, im using mingw and im trying to compile my code using the following command: g++ *.cpp -out te...
[3 replies] Last: Does MinGW's G++ support the -pipe argument? This is supposed to su... (by mbozzi)
January 2018 Pages: 12345... 10
  Archived months: [dec2017] [feb2018]

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