by Fumagalli
How to prevent file detection c++
[5 replies] Last: FWIW you HAVE to lock admin and all out of some folders to block persi... (by jonnin)
by BigMan99
Help with what might be a ""switch statement""
[7 replies] Last: What I need is a program that can check if one number's components c... (by seeplus)
by whaley
Why is it giving me an error in the function call? Am I calling the array incorrectly?
[7 replies] Last: The fillArray can also be done simpler without using nested for loops:... (by seeplus)
by SirEnder125
How to get/set the actual value of an object
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks! :D (by SirEnder125)
bot that monitors website notifications and downloads files from the other site |
[5 replies] Last: Perl would be another good choice, it has extensive libraries for deal... (by lbrandewie)
by jw209
Destructor crashing program for custom vector class because of overloaded = operator
[2 replies] Last: I'm fairly new to C++ myself and I've already run into the following p... (by lbrandewie)
by junweinehc
Pointer question
[15 replies] Last: You are creating raw pointers using new/delete calls. I suggest you l... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by dman25
SNMP Trap/Informs listener
[3 replies] Last: Wireshark is a free and open-... (by salem c)
by whaley
What is the solution to this problem?
[1 reply] : a for loop with a memcpy. (by jonnin)
by JeanzZ
build records for a class
[2 replies] Last: records and text files don't mix well, but if you are going to do that... (by jonnin)
by java982
Help with Abstract classes. Thanks
[2 replies] Last: Did you change your post? Why? Haven't you just made this a duplic... (by MikeyBoy)
by java982
Can somebody help me with Observer patterns please?
[1 reply] : Copied and pasted from your other thread - where, I notice, you've mod... (by MikeyBoy)
by prosown
C++ Problem with caesar cipher and encryption decryption with spaces
[1 reply] : Read this and apply code tags. (by salem c)
by SirEnder125
std::getline((std::ifstream), (std::string)) error!!
[3 replies] Last: Lol, that's just about sums it up, yes. I have no idea how it happened... (by SirEnder125)
by Mitsuru
Data structure for tree (List-like, inverted-index-like, contiguous-like)
[1 reply] : dynamic memory constructs risk constant page faults, which are often a... (by jonnin)
by Ocko91
Next step
[3 replies] Last: > I want to ask for recommendation for next book Recommendations by ... (by JLBorges)
by Boyce5447
Build existing C++ solution on linux using Visual Studio 2017
[2 replies] Last: Let say that you have all the project files in directory /home/boyce/... (by keskiverto)
by BrainD3ad
Program creating new object depending on input?
[1 reply] : Use a vector of objects. vector: (by JLBorges)
How to remove amazons ID from mp3 files? |
[5 replies] Last: Just a note: the loopback recording device (generally labelled "Stereo... (by helios)
by java982
Help with Abstract classes please?
[4 replies] Last: Yes I post the modified code. Thanks for this. Glad to know that you ... (by java982)