Stacks (1,2) |
[29 replies] Last: The 'reverse' means that it will be bottom -> top (by CodingIsHard17)
by marhuum
Mechanism in a function argument alias for any type
[1 reply] : Use function templates, unless you have a really good reason not to. ... (by Ganado)
by yucecoder
Reading line by line
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <v... (by lastchance)
by volang
Handle TCP protocol on your own
[9 replies] Last: If you want to watch the wire. One of these (or the pre-assembled one... (by salem c)
by marhuum
Determining argument is given or omitted by compiler
[1 reply] : The parameter is not 'omitted' in that sense that the function can det... (by coder777)
by yoanamd
Rotate Left and Right
[6 replies] Last: The inputs are number arrays and char arrays, you have to use templat... (by againtry)
by Mgramlin
Read from a text file and then write into a binary file
[7 replies] Last: Change line 68 cin.ignore(); to inFile.ignore(100... (by lastchance)
by Dee5
Division by zero problem
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by Dee5)
by o1m2e3r4
there is a questions about c++.
[2 replies] Last: for example; start program. Then choose "A player". I give card1 and c... (by o1m2e3r4)
by Dee5
Finding the hidden numbers (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: Sorry again, so what if I want the user to input the number of items h... (by Dee5)
by PistolPete10
Student Binary Files
[6 replies] Last: If you use an object in Student, say std::string instead of char arra... (by kbw)
by marhuum
Why error: ambiguating new declaration of 'std::string& strs(std::string&, const char*)'
[1 reply] : > ie. only in returned value type the return type is not part of the s... (by ne555)
by jebek9
game sorry
[1 reply] : bool win = false; int winner; while (!win) { for (i... (by Repeater)
by mlanuri10
How to fix these error for radio sort algorithm?
[9 replies] Last: I am not going to rewrite your whole program for you 3 times over. yo... (by jonnin)
by volang
Load/edit/update functions from dll.
[7 replies] Last: So if I unload the library, the address to the function that i've got... (by helios)
by calvinfornia
Greedy algorithm
[1 reply] : yes, you can do it that way. it just changes the solution accordingly.... (by jonnin)
by exro
Converting an integer in an array to an integer
[4 replies] Last: At risk of sounding like a broken record - this is why you should alwa... (by MikeyBoy)
by julie2019
The C++ ABI
[no replies]
by doug4
Typedefs in Derived Classes
[4 replies] Last: @JRBorges, Thank-you. I think I understand now. Nice explanation. (by doug4)
by Dee5
Counting next numbers
[1 reply] : This seems related to / doublepost of: (by keskiverto)