General C++ Programming - December 2019 (Page 6)

by volang
Increase stack size. Why is it bad?
I want a function that creates a char array that can handle 1GB data, because I like idea that a...
[15 replies] Last: I've read/seen some opinions from "experts" that using exception hand... (by Repeater)
Modify a tree to get edge weights less than vertex's values
So, this question goes like this: Given a weighted tree with values assigned to each node, you ar...
[no replies]
How to remove xml declaration <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
Hi All, I am using xerces for XML parsing. After parsing in new XML file I am getting below is a...
[5 replies] Last: I want to read data on one of tag in CDATA section. But unable to pars... (by akash16)
Why need a size_type arg in deallocate function?
In alloctor<T> Class as a member function, there is a deallocate(). void deallocate(_Ty* const _P...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for answers, guys! you helped me. (by woohyeon)
Questions for DP and recursion
Hi, I have a few questions about these two algorithms. Below is my recognition. Recursive is a ki...
[1 reply] : I will circle back on this but right away: recursion can be used in a ... (by jonnin)
what is the raw memory?
Hello. I'm studying about allocator<T> class and I saw the word "raw memory". What is the meaning ...
[2 replies] Last: // JLBorges Thank you. (by woohyeon)
by volang
Append/concat strings and char arrays
I have a char array(400MB-1GB) and need to have another string(300 chars) appended to the beginning...
[2 replies] Last: Why not keep the 300 bytes where it is? You really shouldn't need to ... (by kbw)
Getting specific amount of values from the line
As title says, I need to get the specific amount of values from the input file’s line. The amount ...
[6 replies] Last: The code that you posted is not an infinite loop, although it's possi... (by yucecoder)
Memory allocation problem
Dear all, I'm studying C++ and now I started implementing a code to solve some numerical methods. I...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you ne555! As I'm a beginner, it would be great to count with y... (by nunesanderson)
function's argument alias for any type
How is the mechanism of a function's argument alias for any type, just like pointer to void function...
[1 reply] : @Ganado gave you a response in the other thread you opened. Why did y... (by doug4)
XOR of permutation of strings
This is a competitive programming question I came across, but couldn't solve. The question gives ...
[2 replies] Last: ^^ you should find a way to directly compute the result (by jonnin)
by volang
How do I store a returned class? (1,2)
auto test(){ class yo { public: int a = 2; }; yo yo1; return yo1; } ...
[23 replies] Last: Peter87 used a C++17 class template - std::optional - that manages a... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Functions in a STACK header
void DynIntStack::OddOrEvenPrint() { StackNode *currentNode; StackNode *nextNode; int stackOd...
[3 replies] Last: For the reverse print function I have: // implemented reverse print ... (by CodingIsHard17)
by nik000
Non riesco ad acquisire con getche()
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include"C:\Users\Nicolas\Documents\MEGAsync\funz.h"//libreri...
[2 replies] Last: if(y !=0 || y !=1){ This is always true. Sempre vero. y == -1 ? ... (by Ganado)
Cache Friendliness
Rob and Jason are joined by Björn Fahller. They first discuss articles on the C++ ABI and a blog po...
[2 replies] Last: Maybe the person doing the reporting believes topics that only adverti... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Dee5
Taking inputs (1,2)
Recently I've been helped on making a program which counts numbers found in a string. A little prob...
[21 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. (by Dee5)
by volang
Setup of multithreads
I'm still a little unsure how to set up my threads. I need multithreads because the server receiv...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks all. Jonnin: Big thanks. I'll probably go with the mixed versi... (by volang)
I need a hand with a program
Hello, I need to write this program a) The first two numbers indicate the size of the matrix - ro...
[5 replies] Last: I started to go there but that does not make sense, you wouldn't injec... (by jonnin)
a string array being passed to function alias arg
How do we handle a string array being passed to function alias argument. (not simply just argument b...
[1 reply] : What is a function alias argument? Do you mean a reference parameter? ... (by Repeater)
reading and putting numbers in an array
the code works just fine until it reaches the output of finding the small number then it just stops ...
[no replies]
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