by Makan11
[7 replies] Last: It "looks" right. But I am not a computer. Run it and see if it give... (by jonnin)
by poteto
Elegant bit twiddling?
[10 replies] Last: NINJA'D (by poteto)
by adam2016
[4 replies] Last: ah, ok. I never did any assembler on an intel cpu unix, that explains... (by jonnin)
Bubble sorting with c++ |
[7 replies] Last: Hi Jack Van Stone, Bubble sort is a double loop comparing two adjacent... (by punksheep)
by ChelseaL
First Come First Serve
[4 replies] Last: Hi ChelseaL, Maybe you have a requirement ? Are you just willing to im... (by punksheep)
by punksheep
a PNG image library in C++ ?
[5 replies] Last: the "C++ compiler" invoques the C compiler. I didn't say that.... (by helios)
by adam2016
Buffer overflow problem
[3 replies] Last: @Peter87, Win 10 Pro x64, Visual Studio 2017. Different memory values... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by sammycarj
Stuck on homework question about playing octave
[3 replies] Last: [quote=punksheep]Tell me, why do you use "while(true)" instead of "for... (by lastchance)
by dr dunno
Large data object - declaration, creation, deletion - where should it be done
[2 replies] Last: So, for example: If my class was going to be as follows, would this be... (by dr dunno)
by Lfs96
Position of digits
[4 replies] Last: Hi Lfs96, Here's the function : #include <string> char getDigitOf(i... (by punksheep)
by shady1234
Please Help ( Nested Loop Pattern)
[2 replies] Last: Hi shady1234, Nested loops... >_< why ? It's a vertical to horizontal... (by punksheep)
by bieblsoft
C++ Async
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <future> template <class T> class Class... (by Peter87)
by jaituk
Doubt with c++ object programming
[3 replies] Last: ah ok ;o) That's good \o/ and you are welcome ;o) (by punksheep)
by tracyvo105
Help C++
[3 replies] Last: The next bit is then check if it was successful . So do that next. W... (by Repeater)
by aidam
The nth digit
[5 replies] Last: thanks to you too aidam. I didn't figure out my "transfert" problem...... (by punksheep)
by acaspiroy
C++ code using switch that prints seven segment numbers
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Display { bool T,... (by lastchance)
by afedorov
templates, linker, .h and .cpp files
[5 replies] Last: For templates the easiest thing to do is put all the template code in ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by javyesco
[1 reply] : Iteration (by Repeater)
by badboy1245
trying to cancel AsyncTask almost there just a little push
[1 reply] : Here is how to make your code readable on the forum; put before co... (by Repeater)
by maxwellcj
inheretance-need help guys before tomorrow
[1 reply] : First, use code markup. You put before code, and after code, ... (by Repeater)