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Problem with pointers

Jan 28, 2012 at 5:20pm
Hello everybody, sorry for my bad english.

This is the problem I have. I have an class hierarchy like java's with an object base class named Object.
There is also a class named Reference that contains a pointer to a Object. It is like

class Reference{
Object *value;

Two or more references can point to the same object but how can I make that when a Reference that shares
the object wiht some other reference changes the value of the object, it can be viewed by all the other
I've tried somethig like:

Reference *a = new reference();
Reference *b = new reference();
a->value = some object
b->value = a->value; // a and b point to the same object, the have the same address
// some change to a's value
object *o = some object
*(a->value) = *o; // both a and b values remains unchanged

What I want to do is some kind of aliasing simulation, but without using the one provided by C++.
Jan 28, 2012 at 5:25pm
Two or more references can point to the same object but how can I make that when a Reference that shares
the object wiht some other reference changes the value of the object, it can be viewed by all the other
I've tried somethig like:

Reference *a = new reference();
Reference *b = new reference();
a->value = some object
b->value = a->value; // a and b point to the same object, the have the same address

That works. When the value of the object changes, both reference objects (a and b) see the changed object. You've presented a working solution to your own question.
Jan 28, 2012 at 5:31pm
¿Why would change? You are assing it to itself.
By the way, unlike java, c++ has objects. Reference a;
Jan 28, 2012 at 9:08pm
This is not exactly correct... add [code] tag to your post ... so that I can follow it easier >.>
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