What Projects Can Be Done

Hi guys
What kind of projects can be done using c++ language. This is for my Final year project in University.I like to do a game using c++ but I'm didn't decide it yet. Any new ideas? Thank you
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Iam not clear about your level of study bachelor or diploma.
If you are bachelor's degree student then do other project rather than game.I like to suggest these projects:
1. reading any paper optically(language may be english)
2. comparing student's lab report or any other after scanning to check wheather are copied or not.
3. listening sound from radio or other sound file and changing them into symbol which deaf people use.

If you are diploma student then I suggest following projects:
1.You can make game 2D or 3D.For 3D game OpenGL you can find tutorials in this link http://www.videotutorialsrock.com/ I have also tried to make 3D bounce game using OpenGL for my second year project but due to lake of time Iam unable to complete it you can get my project code here http://codeincodeblock.blogspot.com/2011/06/mini-project-3d-bounce-in-opengl.html
and you can complete it .
2.You can make database project like banking by using sql server for database.If you use visual C++ in visual studio then you can easily acess sql server.
I'm doing bachelor of science in software engineering
Thank you for the ideas. Most of students are doing image processing and voice recognition projects.So i thought i must do something else.
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Any new ideas please :)
Write a bot for StarCraft -> http://code.google.com/p/bwapi/ That's what I'm doing.
Interesting. Thought of doing a game from C++ or an AI. an AI which will perform as a student supporter. It means will answer questions. I'm not sure yet. ..
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finally i thought of a problem. This is my project outline. I have an idea to build a system like this for my Final year project. Wish i will get different kind of comments.
It is a web based application which can answer question(s) or a keyword asked by the user. A question can be based on general knowledge or subject base. It will display an image if necessary.
A question may consist of no sub parts or with sub parts. (User can ask the question in a single line including all the sub parts or separately)
 It will give specific answer to questions ask from it. 
Unlike when Googling lots of similar results will display.
 User will get conduced what is the right resource.
 But this system will identify most suitable and correct result and display it. User can ask a verbal questions.
Ex: What is VPN and DMZ?
Or user can ask 
What is the difference between call by reference and call by value in programming?

So what do u Think about my system? Do you like it? This project cannot be done by c++ but
please comment

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So what do u Think about my system?
I think you can't do it. Set your sights (much, much) lower.
A game would probably be okay, but I'm willing to bet 33 to 50% of your classmates will make a game, so you might want to be a little more original.
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thank you for commenting helios. :) ill consider ur idea. thanks again
I'm gonna do it. thanks for all the ideas
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