Problem with programming

// Menu Chooser
// Demonstrates the switch statement

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()

string Note=" ";
int D3,Csharp3, F2, B2, Gsharp2, A2, G, G2, Fsharp1, G3,Fsharp2, G4, Fsharp3;
string name="pa";
char choice=' ';
int count=0;
D3 =1174;
Csharp3 = 1108;
F2 = 698.46;
B2 = 987.77;
Gsharp2 = 830;
A2 = 880;
G = 196;
G2 = 392;
Fsharp1 = 369.99;
G3 = 783.99;
Fsharp2 = 739.99;
G4 = 1568;
Fsharp3 = 1480;

system ("color 0B ");

cout << "Enter note, the first key is F#3"<< endl;

cin >>Note;

if (Note=="F#3"|| Note=="f#3")
{Fsharp3 = 1480;

if (Note=="play again" || Note=="Play Again")
cout<<"you entered it Wrong\n";
}while (Note!="F#3"&&Note!="f#3");

system("pause>nul"); //end if
return 0;
I want to fix this program, I want to add an option when you enter the key,to play the key first and enter it other wise just enter it, so it should output one message and it should be able to have 2 choices so like if you want to enter the key than just go ahead and enter it other wise write play again to play again the key.
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