Given This, code, for the stack header and implementation, have to create this program.
For a given integer n (n>1), the smallest integer d (d>1) that divides n is a prime factor. We can find the prime factorization of n if we find d and then replace n by the quoient of n divided by d, repeating this until n becomes 1. Write a program that queries the user for an integer >1 and computes the prime factorization of n in this manner, but displays the prime factors in descending order.
For example if n is 3960 your program would produce (can be displayed horizontally or vertically)
11 5 3 3 2 2 2
Here is the stack.h and stack.cpp we need a main.cpp to make it work.
/*-- Stack.h ---------------------------------------------------------------
This header file defines a Stack data type.
Basic operations:
constructor: Constructs an empty stack
empty: Checks if a stack is empty
push: Modifies a stack by adding a value at the top
top: Retrieves the top stack value; leaves stack unchanged
pop: Modifies stack by removing the value at the top
display: Displays all the stack elements
Class Invariant:
1. The stack elements (if any) are stored in positions
0, 1, . . ., myTop of myArray.
2. -1 <= myTop < STACK_CAPACITY
#include <iostream>
#ifndef STACK
#define STACK
constint STACK_CAPACITY = 128;
typedefint StackElement;
class Stack
/***** Function Members *****/
/***** Constructor *****/
Construct a Stack object.
Precondition: None.
Postcondition: An empty Stack object has been constructed (myTop is
initialized to -1 and myArray is an array with STACK_CAPACITY
elements of type StackElement).
bool empty() const;
Check if stack is empty.
Precondition: None
Postcondition: Returns true if stack is empty and false otherwise.
void push(const StackElement & value);
Add a value to a stack.
Precondition: value is to be added to this stack
Postcondition: value is added at top of stack provided there is space;
otherwise, a stack-full message is displayed and execution is
void display(ostream & out) const;
Display values stored in the stack.
Precondition: ostream out is open.
Postcondition: Stack's contents, from top down, have been output to out.
StackElement top() const;
Retrieve value at top of stack (if any).
Precondition: Stack is nonempty
Postcondition: Value at top of stack is returned, unless the stack is
empty; in that case, an error message is displayed and a "garbage
value" is returned.
void pop();
Remove value at top of stack (if any).
Precondition: Stack is nonempty.
Postcondition: Value at top of stack has been removed, unless the stack
is empty; in that case, an error message is displayed and
execution allowed to proceed.
/***** Data Members *****/
StackElement myArray[STACK_CAPACITY];
int myTop;
}; // end of class declaration
if we find d
^^^ this is the intractable part that makes prime factorization the backbone of modern encryption. Its extremely difficult to find d for larger numbers. If you are only working with smaller numbers you can do it of course.
all the stack appears to be there for is to reverse the output (???). Which is silly, you can do that much, much easier other ways, but you may as well use what they handed you.
can you get the prime factors of a number, or is that what you do not know how to do, or what is your question exactly (it looks like you just handed us the assignment untouched, I am not sure what you did here and where you got stuck).
Can d divide 3960? yes
Can d divide 1980? yes
Can d divide 990? yes
Can d divide 495? no
Can d divide 495? yes
Can d divide 165? yes
Can d divide 55? no
Can d divide 55? no
Can d divide 55? yes
Can d divide 11? no
Can d divide 11? no
Can d divide 11? yes
Each iteration of that "loop" does one of two possible things. On every successful divide the d must be stored to the stack.
Afterwards, you must print the content of the stack. Will the results be in required order?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
auto n {3960U};
std::vector<decltype(n)> facts;
for (auto d {2U}; n > 1; ++d)
for (; n % d == 0; n /= d)
std::copy(facts.crbegin(), facts.crend(), std::ostream_iterator<decltype(n)>(std::cout, " "));
#include <iostream>
void factor( int n, int test = 2 )
if ( n <= 1 ) return;
if ( n % test )
factor( n, test + 1 );
factor( n / test, test );
std::cout << test << " ";
int main()
int n = 3960;
factor( n );
suppose to be like this, but is there a better to do it?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "stack.h"
int main(void)
int userInt = 0, // user provided int
i = 0, // counter
q = 0, // quotient
stackCount = 0; // number of values in stack
int primeArray [] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97}; //array of prime numbers for calculations
// 1. Explain the purpose of the program
cout << "This program will calculate the prime factor of an integer provided by the user of the program." << endl;
// 2. Ask user for an int
cout << "Please enter an integer that is greater than 1: ";
// 3. Store int to memory
cin >> userInt;
// 4. Validate the user's entry as being greater than 1, terminate program if less than 2.
if(userInt <2)
cout << "\n\nThis program will not work with integers of less than 1." << endl;
// 5. If the user's int is greater than 1, run routine to calculate prime factorization.
else if (userInt > 1)
// 6. Create stack primeStack
Stack primeStack;
// 7. divide user provides int by prime numbers, looking for a mod of 0. Upon calculation, push divisor to stack
for(i=0; userInt>1; i++)
if(userInt % primeArray[i]==0)
q = userInt / primeArray[i];
primeStack.push(primeArray[i]); // push prime factor to the stack
stackCount++; // counting values added to the stack
i = -1; // resetting counter to -1
// 8. replace userInt with q to allow calculation to run again
userInt = q;
Did the instructions require " * " between prime factors? Details, details, details.
Now, look at this detail of the class Stack:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
class Stack
/***** Function Members *****/
bool empty() const;
Check if stack is empty.
Precondition: None
Postcondition: Returns true if stack is empty and false otherwise.
// ...
Yes, the Stack can tell if it is empty. It does keep track of how many elements it has currently. Your stackCount is redundant. You both do unnecessary work by having it and make yourself prone to errors. What if stackCount is wrong due to some mistake?