I am relatively new to C++ programming and this is an extra problem assigned to me that I do not understand but want to do it so I can learn more about it. Basically its requiring that the program reads the input.txt, does what is asked to in the instructions, and then prints the output to an output.txt but I am completely lost and I don't think I wrote my code properly since it just gives me numbers instead of words.
You will create a C++ program to add, remove and sort objects in a linked list. The purpose of this is to get students familiar with Linked List and simple sorting techniques.
2. Input, Command, Output and example files
a. Input file
● The first line of the input file will tell you how to add data to your
linked list
a. Alphabetically
■ A-Z-a-z (capital letters count first this is how c++
handles comparing strings anyway)
b. Length
■ Shortest length - longest length of string
c. Beginning
■ Add current string to the front of your list
d. End
■ Add current string to the end of your list
● The rest of the file will contain a list of sentences. Don’t add empty
lines or duplicate sentences (case and space sensitive)
b. Command file
● Command file will be filled with 3 types commands that will be run
in order they appear
a. Add (int location) [string sentence]
■ The add command will be followed by an integer
inside parenthesis and then followed by a sentence
inside brackets
■ If the location is bigger than the size of the list then
don’t add it
■ If the sentence is a duplicate don’t add it
■ EX: Add (0) [this would add to the beginning of your
■ EX: Add (3) [example sentence]
● This will be the added to the 3rd index
meaning it will be the 4th thing in your list
● Won’t get added if your list is size 2 or less
b. Remove [string sentence segment]
■ The remove function will be followed by a string
inside of brackets
■ Every sentence that contains that string in any part
of the sentence will get removed
■ EX: Remove [a]
● This will remove every single sentence with
the letter a in it
c. Sort (alphabetically/length)
■ The sort command will be followed by the word
alphabetically or length inside of parenthesis
■ This will sort the entire list either alphabetically or
by length
■ EX: Sort (alphabetically)
c. Output file
● The output file will contain every element of your list after it’s been
modified by the command file.
● Each element will be on its own line
d. Examples
for this example the command file will be empty
that means you just need to sort this file alphabetically
don't add any empty lines
test lines
duplicate line there should only be one of this in the output
duplicate line there should only be one of this in the output
extra sentence
command21.txt: (Empty)
don't add any empty lines
duplicate line there should only be one of this in the output
extra sentence
for this example the command file will be empty
test lines
that means you just need to sort this file alphabetically
this file will be testing each of the different commands with your sentences
test sentence number one
another sentence
longer sentence than another sentence
most of the sentences have the word sentence in them
last sentence of the input
Add (15) [this sentence shouldn't be added because it's out of bounds]
Sort (alphabetically)
Add (6) [this sentence should be added to the end of the list]
Remove [test]
Add (0) [another sentence]
another sentence
last sentence of the input
longer sentence than another sentence
most of the sentences have the word sentence in them
this sentence should be added to the end of the list
here i go typing out a bunch of
random sentences so that this assignment can have
enough inputs
I hope this assignment isn't too challenging
but if you're having trouble with it don't give up
just take a deep breath and you'll get it
however this giant message
is just
jumble of
Remove [us]
Sort (length)
Sort (alphabetically)
Add (0) [this should go to the beginning until it gets sorted]
Add (70) [this should not be added]
Sort (length)
Remove [a]
Remove [e]
Remove [i]
Remove [o]
Remove [u]
Remove [y]
Add (0) [first]
Add (1) [second]
Add (2) [third]
Add (4) [Not added]
Current Code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
#include "ArgumentManager.h"
using namespace std;
struct Node {
int item;
struct Node* next;
void add(struct Node** ref, int data) {
struct Node* new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
new_node->item = data;
new_node->next = (*ref);
(*ref) = new_node;
void Remove(struct Node** ref, int key)
struct Node *temp = *ref, *prev;
if (temp != NULL && temp->item == key)
*ref = temp->next;
while (temp != NULL && temp->item != key) {
prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if (temp == NULL) return;
prev->next = temp->next;
void swap (Node *node1, Node *node2)
int temp = node1->item;
node1->item = node2 -> item;
node2 ->item = temp;
void sort(Node *head)
int swapped;
Node *leftPtr;
Node *rightPrt = NULL;
swapped = 0;
leftPtr = head;
while(leftPtr->next != rightPrt)
if (leftPtr->item > leftPtr->next->item)
swap(leftPtr, leftPtr->next);
swapped = 1;
leftPtr = leftPtr->next;
rightPrt = leftPtr;
void Display(struct Node* node)
while (node != NULL)
cout << node->item << " ";
node = node->next;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ArgumentManager am(argc, argv);
ifstream input;
ofstream output;
string infileName = am.get("input");
string outfileName = am.get("output");
string cmdfilename = am.get("command");
struct Node* head = NULL;
add(&head, 2);
add(&head, 3);
add(&head, 4);
add(&head, 5);
add(&head, 0);
add(&head, 5);
add(&head, 8);
add(&head, 6);
output << "Linked list: ";
output << "\nAfter sorting an element: ";
output << "\nAfter deleting an element: ";
Remove(&head, 4);
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