code tags not working


I'm trying to use code tags when posting but it doesn't work for me. I read the instructions how to use the code tags, but I don't see why it doesn't work. Are there any requirements in Chrome under windows 10?

I select the code, press <>, and then preview, but a new empty tab will open.

I also tried in android chrome and android firefox, but I get the same result.
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The forum is buggy and the format buttons and preview do not work when initially creating a thread.

You can still manually type [code][/code] [output][/output] etc. Or post your code unformatted, and then edit the post after creation. Note what AbstractionAnon said earlier: "Hint: You can edit your post, highlight your code and press the <> formatting button."

(I do not understand why the button is symbolized by <>. It's a misleading symbol since bbcode uses square brackets, not html brackets.)
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