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Creating a Powerful AI

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Aug 28, 2010 at 5:08pm
[...] mine will actually think.

What do you mean under thinking?
Aug 28, 2010 at 5:49pm
No offence, but this is sounding more like fantasy every second. If what you want is an accurate human brain simulation, you're not going to get it writing code. Not in 2010, anyway.
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:11am
Not accurate, just a mind that can respond intelligent things. And, this is original research. I have studied how sentences can either be a statement, question or demand down to a very fine level. I have designed reading algorithms for this, and I know I can do it!

Now you're talking about conscious thought?!

No, you obviously don't study philosophy, religion, physics and programming all together do you? Let's not drag this topic out of hand.

What do you mean under thinking?

It will be able to produce it's own algorithms, make decisions, calculate answers .etc
Last edited on Aug 29, 2010 at 1:26am
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:26am
*Pops head into topic*

No, you obviously don't study philosophy, religion, physics and programming all together do you? Let's not drag this topic out of hand.

*Leaves to avoid getting shot in the cross-fire*
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:26am
It will be able to produce it's own algorithms
I'll believe it when I see it.
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:27am
Hahaha. You really expect a flame war? Awe... I don't want that to happen!
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:34am
I'll believe it when I see it.

I don't think that it's very hard actually. The question from this topic was mostly needed for Storm Command, a command-line designed for producing algorithms. You give it some slots, a base field (where to dump the results) and at least two trying methods. Then run it through some brute-force testing and get it to find the best algorithm for the trying methods. For different types of things you get different ways of "scanning for good algorithms". If you have a better idea, please say! I'm in need of a way with better/refined specifics, more flexibility, and more speed. And yes, I haven't completed this yet. I'm still working on the testing grounds.

SLOT a IN bitsum
SLOT b IN bitsum
BASE result FINAL IN bitsum
TRY 110 AND 101 FOR 1011 IN bitsum
TRY 1011 AND 111 FOR 10010 IN bitsum
Last edited on Aug 29, 2010 at 1:51am
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:48am
Like I said.
Aug 29, 2010 at 2:19am
Well, I am working on the different ways algorithms can come out, which also helps me decide how I'm going to implement brute-force generation. Note: this isn't designed for making algorithms such as for path-finding, I'm starting simple. Maybe I can one day get it to do something as complex and abstract as that, but still, I'm going with baby steps.
Aug 29, 2010 at 12:41pm
If you have a better idea, please say!

I have had said too.
Aug 29, 2010 at 1:00pm
I am working on the different ways algorithms can come

Finally. There are so much of such working algotirthms that all you need is to find a way
applying one at least. Then, on return to the original one you would hardly recongnise it.
Also note the english seems to be easy to start with though, for some reason it stresses
on the timing quite often needlessly making itself difficult to get away from eventually.
Aug 30, 2010 at 4:43pm
"Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana."*

A perfectly understandable sentence for a human with decades of "word to concept" correlations stored in their brain's MASSIVE neural networks. For the comparatively pathetic processing power of a modern computer (< cat brain)... patently impossible.

BUT... It won't be long now. See you in the Singularity!

* Stolen from a very old Scientific American article on... (you guessed it!) How hard it is to program a computer to understand human language.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2010 at 7:36pm
Aug 30, 2010 at 6:14pm
Vibilicent wrote:
No, you obviously don't study philosophy, religion, physics and programming all together do you? Let's not drag this topic out of hand.

Now, it's not that I want to start a flamewar, nor do I want to "drag this topic out of hand" (not that this hasn't already been done), but I'd just like to reply to this quickly. Once I'm done you can insult me or whatever as much as you like and I promise I won't reply.

1. Cut the elitist crap. "YOU obviously don't study X, Y and Z, so how would YOU know anything?". You are clearly in way over your head, whatever experience you may think you have. Many people on this forum, myself included, would be hopelessly in over their head trying to make a program this complex. In fact, I'd say all of us would - none of us (that I know of) has the money or the time to build a supercomputer capable of simulating the huge neocortex of the human brain.
2. Philosophy*, religion** and Physics have NOTHING to do with AI or linguistics (Physics is the closest, at least that one is scientific (and by the way, I do study Physics and Computer Science; those are my two favourite subjects)).

* Pretending to be some kind of philosopher is incredibly pretentious, and I'll say this just 'cause I feel like it, a philosophy degree is a massive waste of life and money. Socrates, Aristotle, Homer, Nietzsche, none of these people had philosophy degrees. They did not need to be taught how to think, they were naturally intelligent.
** What the hell does religion have to do with programming or science at all? You're not going to spring a bunch of Religious Science Young Earth Creationism bull**** on me, are you?
Aug 30, 2010 at 7:18pm
Viblicent, you say you have a team to work on this but if i look at your website..
Viblicent wrote:
Benjamin Bowen: Lead Programmer
Jeremiah Pena: Soundtrack Composer
Zach Orme: Lead Artist < this man actually drew Kite Man! Skillz
Noah Goldsmid: Online Networking Programmer
Ryan Spice: Interface Programmer

Thats 3 people who can code, you havent developed a real game
Viblicent wrote:
Coming 2014..

I bet your new game will be Kite Man 3D :P http://viblicent.wordpress.com/2010/08/14/kite-man/
I havent played it yet but i suppose it has alot to do with philosophy, religion, physics and programming

You havent finished your ULTIMATE game development environment
Viblicent wrote:
Coming 2011..

Cant wait for it to become better than http://www.udk.com/
Looking good so far! http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7546/screenshot000032.png
Really cool that youve made it work for only 2D, im really getting tired of all those 3D games
Your website looks cool too, it has like those colored bars at the left side.

Ok sarcasm mode off,

You havent really made anything big, and i bet you guys put alot of effort into your UGE, but all you have now is a game you find 13 year olds making daily on newgrounds.com
And now you plan on making an AI with the power of wolframalpha and cleverbot combined?
It sounds really promising, but have you even read a book about coding neural networks, or watched 24 hours of video about them?
I dont want to bring you down but, Ok i do, youre wasting alot time if you actually attempt to do this

Good luck anyway, and check out my trips (while youre at it, check chris' trips too)
Last edited on Aug 30, 2010 at 7:24pm
Aug 30, 2010 at 7:43pm
On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with dreaming big sometimes!

Just don't let it distract you from reality too often. ;-)
Sep 28, 2010 at 2:16am
Ahahahahahaha. Don't apply extremely negative thoughts against me in that manner. We're not a house of idiots, but we certainly think you are a bundle of sticks. ;)

Ryan is just a friend of mine, when I was nice enough to accept him onto the team he started working on a little map editor for our 2D games. That picture of the map editor was not our official map editor like he said, hell no. Unreal Development Kit? HA! The map editor that I'm making will be just as good as the Unreal Editor, perhaps better, since it actually doesn't require any photo-shop or 3DsMax stuff. And the funny thing is, our artist is trained in 3DsMax too, but he only uses it for characters and props .etc

I'm also programming a skybox editor which is well under it's way. You see, all of our tools are being developed in Game Maker, yet our engine itself will be C++ based. I have to admit, I suck at C++! I like to say "Hahaha those kiddies and their Game Maker." yet I'm one of them, a 15 year old among the newbs of computer science. :p

Have a good day.
Last edited on Sep 28, 2010 at 2:30am
Sep 28, 2010 at 8:19am
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
There's nothing wrong with going slow and spending a few years on the topic. People have become grown knowledgeable and even famous because they do things like this.

However, I will admit that you seem to be 90% elitist and 10% full of crap. We don't think you realize how many people have "studied all summer" about AI and come out relatively unsuccessful.

I would like to think it possible. Every decision we make can be categorized into two options and because of that, it can be translated into a language of two options as well. However, it's not as simple as "translating" our choices. We are able to comprehend the most advanced algorithms in the universe, make the most complex sounds, understand the most sophisticated of things. Its not something that can be understood in one summer, or years, or decades, possibly even centuries. Trying to emulate how amazingly complex our brains think is already reaching the very tippy tippy edge of our knowledge. It is new to us, we are just now able to understand what our brain does when we feed it something. We don't have 15 members saying your over your head because we "don't study philosophy".

By all means, please continue with your research and disregard our say. You'll one day realize, "Jeez, I don't know what the almighty FUCK, I was thinking. Now I look like an overconfident, elitist idiot."
Last edited on Sep 28, 2010 at 8:20am
Sep 28, 2010 at 2:25pm
Umm. You should have heard of the term "pride". Yeah I'm stubborn, as in prideful with my programming work; however, I really do believe that I am set into the right direction. Contradictory? No... believe me, you are a fool for disregarding my expertise in more subjects rather than programming (such as religion and philosophy, ha). It takes more than the ability to get your program to function, it takes the ability to see the big picture of where your programming efforts are going. You've looked at my ideas and have cursed me for them. What a shame.

The most intelligent computer will be created by one with the most succinct understanding of the universe. I have even explored into deeper number systems, not which are focused about quantities. I try to work with haste, sorry for only admiting I've worked for a summer.
Last edited on Sep 28, 2010 at 2:27pm
Sep 28, 2010 at 3:07pm
I would very much be laughing out loud right now, if I weren't in the office waiting for fortran to crash out on me.
Sep 28, 2010 at 3:20pm
Ryan is just a friend of mine, when I was nice enough to accept him onto the team...

...you are a fool for disregarding my expertise..

Wow, you were just pathetically funny until those remarks but now you've removed all doubt that you're just another puerile, pompous ass. I feel sorry for your 'friends'.
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