This is an interactive console animation app, where your choice of character (any letter from a to z) will appear to move funnily from start to finish line. If he finishes the race within the specified counter (in our case, 1000000), then we print a particular message, else another message.
See the source code for the program and understand.
using namespace std;
int main (){
const int size=60;
cout << "Enter a letter to begin \n ";
char x; cin>> x;
int position = size /2;
while (true) {
cout << "|START|" ;
for (int i=0; i<size;i++) {
if (i == position)
cout << x;
else cout << " ";}
cout << "|FINISH|" << endl;
int move= rand()%3 - 1;
position = position + move;
if (position <1) {cout << "You could not finish the race!" <<endl; break;}
if (position >size-1) {cout << "Yay! You finished the race" << endl; break;}
for(int sleep=0; sleep< 1000000 ; ++ sleep);
return 0;