The hotel owner wants to update the blackjack game you previously created to make it faster.
Write a Blackjack game using classes and linked list.
Requirements are:
The dealer has to keep getting cards until their score is 17, they go over 21 or they take five cards
Must generate a new deck at the start of the game and shuffle the deck before each hand
Guest can play as many hands as they would like
If the dealer goes over 21 and a player goes over 21 the game is a push
Minimum class that must be implemented are:
A class for card
A class for card deck
Card deck should hold 52 cards
A class for player
A class for dealer
Dealer should inherit from player
Dealer should make sure they cannot hold with a score less than 17 or less than 5 cards whichever comes first
A class for table
Table must implement four players and one dealer and one card deck. The table is where all game action must take place.
The card deck and player classes must use linked list to hold card.
Heres the Code i have. I just need the Card, Deck, and Player classes to be converted to linked lists.