Hey. How do I build a matrix by rows and columns, and the values must consist of fractions (asks for each numerator and denominator)? There are errors in the codes below:
Firstly, ask for the values of numerator and denominator.
Secondly, display the matrix that has been built on the screen.
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void generateMatrix(vector < vector < tpFraction > > & m)
{ int i, j;
cout << "Introduce the values of matrix by rows and columns: " << endl;
for (i = 0; i < m.size(); i++)
for (j = 0; j < m.size(); j++)
{ cout << "Introduce the numerator by rows " << i << " and columns " << j << " : ";
cin >> m[i][j].num;
cout << "Introduce the denominator by rows " << i << " and columns " << j << " : ";
cin >> m[i][j].den;
void displayMatrix ( vector < vector < tpFraction > > & m ){
struct tpFraction {
cout << (m)[i][j] << "\t" ;