letters to numbers
Dec 22, 2019 at 5:09pm UTC
i want to build a program that gets two strings from the user converts every letter of both strings to a number and adds each number to its corresponding one of the second string and prints out the sum of each letter. Any help is appreciated
Dec 22, 2019 at 5:43pm UTC
So, where's the code you've written so far?
We can offer hints and suggestions on code you've written, we won't write all the code for you.
Dec 22, 2019 at 6:19pm UTC
ok so essentially what im making is an encryption thingy that one of my friends thought of.
you get the message and the key (they work like a vigenere cipher ) and the you do what i described in the first post
my best attempt at this is(no idea what im doing just trying radnom stuff i kinda know of) :
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int a='a' ;
int i;
int j;
int k;
string msg;
string key;
string message[i];
//string mapmsg[i];
string mappedKey[j];
//string mapkey[j];
int ifvar;//variable for if we want encyrption or decryption
int letterToNum;
int lettertonumkey;
int tablearray[2][52];
int sum;
void encrypt()
cout << "Encryption:" << endl;
cout << "Enter message and key" << endl;
cin >> msg;
cin >> key;
string keyMap = "" ;
for (int i = 0, j=0; i <msg.length();i++){
if (msg[i] ==32){
keyMap += 32;
} else {
if (j<key.length()){
keyMap += key[j];
} else {
j = 0;
keyMap += key[j];
message = msg;
mappedKey = keyMap;
cout << message<< endl;
cout << mappedKey << endl;
for (int k=0; k<message;k++ ){
for (int i = 0; i < message[i]; i++){
if ((char )message[i] == 'a' -96) {
letterToNum = 1;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'b' -96) {
letterToNum = 2;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'c' -96) {
letterToNum = 3;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'd' -96) {
letterToNum = 4;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'e' -96) {
letterToNum = 5;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'f' -96) {
letterToNum = 6;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'g' -96) {
letterToNum = 7;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'h' -96) {
letterToNum = 8;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'i' -96) {
letterToNum = 9;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'j' -96) {
letterToNum = 10;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'k' -96) {
letterToNum = 11;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'l' -96) {
letterToNum = 12;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'm' -96) {
letterToNum = 13;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'n' -96) {
letterToNum = 14;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'o' -96) {
letterToNum = 15;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'p' -96) {
letterToNum = 16;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'q' -96) {
letterToNum = 17;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'r' -96) {
letterToNum = 18;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 's' -96) {
letterToNum = 19;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 't' -96) {
letterToNum = 20;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'u' -96) {
letterToNum = 21;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'v' -96) {
letterToNum = 22;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'w' -96) {
letterToNum = 23;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'x' -96) {
letterToNum = 24;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'y' -96) {
letterToNum = 25;
} else if ((char )message[i] == 'z' -96) {
letterToNum = 26;
//---------------------key from down here
for (int j=0; j<mappedKey[j]; j++) {
if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'a' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 1;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'b' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 2;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'c' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 3;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'd' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 4;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'e' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 5;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'f' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 6;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'g' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 7;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'h' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 8;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'i' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 9;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'j' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 10;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'k' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 11;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'l' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 12;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'm' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 13;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'n' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 14;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'o' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 15;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'p' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 16;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'q' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 17;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'r' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 18;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 's' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 19;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 't' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 20;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'u' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 21;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'v' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 22;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'w' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 23;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'x' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 24;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'y' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 25;
} else if ((char )mappedKey[j] == 'z' -96) {
lettertonumkey = 26;
cout << sum << " " ;
int main (){
cout << "1. Encryption, 2. Decryption" << endl;
cin >> ifvar;
while (ifvar!=1 && ifvar!=2){
cout << "Wrong give a correct number" << endl;
cout << "1. Encryption, 2. Decryption" << endl;
cin >> ifvar;
if (ifvar==1){
// decrypt();
Last edited on Dec 23, 2019 at 2:35pm UTC
Dec 23, 2019 at 4:31am UTC
PLEASE learn to use code tags, they make reading and commenting on code MUCH easier.
HINT: you can edit your post and add code tags.
Characters in C and C++ are numbers, ASCII code numbers.
Add two characters together and assign the addition results to an integer.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
// create two sample strings
std::string one = "Hello World!" ;
std::string two = "Test String" ;
// determine which has the smallest size
size_t size = (one.size() > two.size() ? two.size() : one.size());
// loop to the smallest string size
for (size_t i { }; i < size; i++)
// add each strings elements, assign to int
int num = one[i] + two[i];
// get the number value of each string element
int num_one = one[i];
int num_two = two[i];
std::cout << one[i] << " (" << num_one << ")\t+ "
<< two[i] << " (" << num_two << ") = " << num << '\n' ;
H (72) + T (84) = 156
e (101) + e (101) = 202
l (108) + s (115) = 223
l (108) + t (116) = 224
o (111) + (32) = 143
(32) + S (83) = 115
W (87) + t (116) = 203
o (111) + r (114) = 225
r (114) + i (105) = 219
l (108) + n (110) = 218
d (100) + g (103) = 203
Last edited on Dec 23, 2019 at 4:33am UTC
Dec 23, 2019 at 3:00pm UTC
thank you, ill try to build the whole thing.
Dec 25, 2019 at 4:49pm UTC
So this is what I ended up with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int num;
int choice;
int num_message;
int num_key;
string message;
string key;
string keyMap;
string mappedKey;
string msg;
size_t size = (message.size() == mappedKey.size() ? mappedKey.size() : message.size());
int main (){
cout << "give message" << endl;
cin >> message;
cout << "give key" << endl;
cin >> key;
for (int k = 0,j = 0; k <message.size();k++){
if (message[k] ==32){
keyMap += 32;
} else {
if (j<key.size()){
keyMap += key[j];
} else {
j = 0;
keyMap += key[j];
cout << message << "\n" << keyMap;
mappedKey = keyMap;
cout << endl;
cout << "1. Encryption, 2.Decryption" << endl << "Choose:" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice==1){
for (size_t i { }; i < size; i++){
num = message[i]+mappedKey[i];
int num_message = message[i];
int num_key = mappedKey[i];
num = num - 96;
cout << message[i] << " (" << num_message << ")\t+ "
<< mappedKey[i] << " (" << num_key << ") = " << num << " " << (char )num << '\n' ;
num = 0;
} else if (choice==2){
for (size_t i { }; i < size; i++){
num = message[i]-mappedKey[i];
int num_message = message[i];
int num_key = mappedKey[i];
num = num + 96;
cout << message[i] << " (" << num_message << ")\t- " << mappedKey[i]
<< " (" << num_key << ") = " << num << " " << (char )num << '\n' ;
num = 0;
} else {
cout << "Wrong choice" << endl;
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