I have the following error.

#include <iostream>

void doAnything(int *ptr)
if (ptr)
std::cout << "You passed in " << *ptr << '\n';
std::cout << "You passed in a null pointer\n";

int main()
doAnything(nullptr);//[Error] 'nullptr' was not declared in this scope

return 0;
What compiler and version are you using?
this is likely an old compiler or a missing compiler flag to enable c++11 or c++17 or whatever. nullptr is a full keyword and unlike null does not need an include to work, so the only cause of this I can think of would be the compiler not seeing it as a keyword, which implies age or flag.
PLEASE, do not double-post.


And learn to use code tags, it makes reading and commenting on your source code MUCH easier.


Hint: you can edit your post and add them.
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