hey i want to use threads to run 2 actions at the same time.
so i tried the way i was able to see on sites, but after compiling
my gui pops up and closing again...
so here would be my code :
its useless, but a good way to see threads in an example is something like having both threads cout a different letter, say * and . chars that are very distinct. Have one of the thread sleep for say 100ms and the other for 500ms between iterations. Then watch the output. it should be a nice ...*...*...* looking output.
the problem is i want them to be done separately..
it means i want to use my interface while the server communicates with its client.
at the current state the thread affects my interface...
if i leave just 1 thread in use(second = std::thread(&MyApp::serverM, this)) and let it join after i call i_face() then the interface opens but is blank..
if i join it beforehand it stops the interface from opening.
it awaits it´s client to answer before it starts the interface..
hopefully i was able to explain my issue