Going blank after input

Currently my program will close after I input my racer's names and time.I was wondering if anyone could tell what I am doing wrong and give me some tips. There are a couple rules I have to follow for this program like no No Arrays or Vectors

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void welcome();
void getRaceTimes(string &, double &);
void findWinner(string, string, string, double, double, double);
double raceAverage(double, double, double);

int main()
double time1, time2, time3;
string racer1, racer2, racer3;

getRaceTimes(racer1, time1);
getRaceTimes(racer2, time2);
getRaceTimes(racer3, time3);
findWinner( racer1, racer2, racer3, time1, time2, time3);
double result = raceAverage(time1, time2, time3);
cout << endl;
cout << "The overall average race time is" << " " << result;
return 0;

void getRaceTimes(string &racername, double &racertime)
cout << "Please enter racer's name" << endl;
cin >> racername;
cout <<"Please enter racer's time" << endl;
cin >> racertime;
if (racertime <= 0)
cout << "Im sorry that is an invalid time. Please re-enter a value greater than 0" << endl;
} while (racertime <= 0);


void findWinner(string racer1, string racer2, string racer3, double time1, double time2, double time3)
if ((time1 < time2) && (time1 < time3))
cout << "Congratulations " << racer1 << " is the winner!" << endl;
cout << "Your winning time is" << time1 << endl;
else if ((time2 < time3) && (time2 < time1))
cout << "Congratulations " << racer2 << " is the winner!" << endl;
cout << "Your winning time is" << time2 << endl;
else if ((time3 < time1) && (time3 < time2))
cout << "Congratulations " << racer3 << " is the winner!" << endl;
cout << "Your winning time is" << time3 << endl;
else if ((time1 == time2) && (time1, time2 < time3))
cout << " We have a tie " << racer1 << " and " << racer2 << " win!" << endl;
cout << "Your winning time is" << time1 << endl;
else if ((time1 == time3) && (time1, time3 < time2))
cout << " We have a tie " << racer1 << " and " << racer3 << " win!" << endl;
cout << "Your winning time is" << time1 << endl;
else if ((time2 == time3) && (time2, time3 < time1))
cout << " We have a tie " << racer2 << " and " << racer3 << " win!" << endl;
cout << "Your winning time is" << time2 << endl;
else ((time1 == time2) && (time1 == time3));
cout << "We have a 3 way tie!! No winner for this race." << endl;

cout << "Your winning time is" << time1 << endl;



void welcome()
cout << "*****************************************************************" << endl;
cout << " Welcome to race results program" << endl;
cout << " you are asked to enter the three racer’s names" << endl;
cout << " and their associated race time." << endl;
cout << " Please enter a real number for Race Time (the Race Time Must be > 0). " << endl;
cout << " Program Developed by : " << endl;
cout << "*****************************************************************" << endl;


double raceAverage(double time1, double time2, double time3)
double average = (time1 + time2 + time3) / 3;
return average;
does it work if you add this to the end of main (right at the return statement)
int stopper;
cin >> stopper;

if so, open a console and run the program from there, or do the above, or read the massive thread at the top of the beginners forum. If you don't know how to open a console and get to your program, you should learn at least a handful of dos and unix commands both, they will serve you well, do you need to see this?
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@jonnin, actually in OP's main() there’s system("pause");, but it’s after return 0; :)

- - -

alexandrap98 wrote:
I was wondering if anyone could tell what I am doing wrong

Yes: your compiler can, and as a matter of fact it’s trying as hard as it can:

compiler wrote:
In function 'void findWinner(std::string, std::string, std::string, double, double, double)':
60:46: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
65:46: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
70:46: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]

It means comma operator is of no avail
here: else if ((time1 == time2) && (time1, time2 < time3))
and here: else if ((time1 == time3) && (time1, time3 < time2))
and here: else if ((time2 == time3) && (time2, time3 < time1))

About comma operator:
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/operators/ (after half page)

alexandrap98 wrote:
and give me some tips

Tip: if time1 == time2, do you really need to compare both of them to time3?

Other tips:
a) use code tags or you could get no answers (you wouldn’t be the first):

b) You can consider posting simple codes in the Beginners section of this forum.

c) Read this for how to improve your chances to get a good answer:
Oh, yes, there’s another issue:
void findWinner(std::string racer1, std::string racer2, std::string racer3,
                double time1, double time2, double time3)

    else ((time1 == time2) && (time1 == time3));
        cout << "We have a 3 way tie!! No winner for this race." << endl;
        cout << "Your winning time is" << time1 << endl;

“else” cannot ‘manage’ a condition: you need an “if” for that:
else if ((time1 == time2) && (time1 == time3))
without any semicolon at the end.
or, in beginner speak,
conditions are explicit. the compiler does not get human like if a,b,c < d. It only gets a < d && b<d && c<d spelled out.
else if is not a thing in c++ but many people put them together to chain. Its really 2 distinct if block /statements, no matter how it looks in the code, and the second if is inside the else part of the first if. So they are nested, but distinct.

simplifying a bunch of related if statements takes practice. For now, do them explicitly. Later you can work on your boolean math skills to trim the fat.
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