I keep getting heap errors crashing my code (mid run-time or at exit) when I use a Template Array to store user input (for (double) monthly rainfall amounts). When I use a simple array, I get no errors and the code performs correctly, but I'm required to use a template array. My problem has something to do with the pointer *list in arrayTemplate.h, but I cannot narrow down how or where it's screwing up. Can anyone help me find my issue?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
template <class elemType>
class arrayTemplate
int listSize() const;
//return number of assigned elements
int maxListSize() const;
//return maximum number of elements
void insertEnd(const elemType& insertItem);
//insert insertItem into array at end of current list
void retrieveAt(int location, elemType& retItem) const;
//assign retItem to be the array element at location
void highestValue(int& location, elemType& value) const;
//assign value to be the largest array element in the list
void lowestValue(int& location, elemType& value) const;
//assign value to the smallest array element in the list
arrayTemplate(int size = 12);
//constructor - Array Size
elemType *list; //a pointer of type elemType
int length; //the current length of the list
int maxSize; //the maximum size allowed for the list
//return number of assigned elements
template <class elemType>
int arrayTemplate<elemType>::listSize() const
return length;
//return maximum number of elements
template <class elemType>
int arrayTemplate<elemType>::maxListSize() const
return maxSize;
//insert insertItem into array at end of current list
template <class elemType>
void arrayTemplate<elemType>::insertEnd(const elemType& insertItem)
if (length == maxSize)
cout << "\tArray already full. Cannot insert element." << endl;
list[length] = insertItem;
//assign retItem to be the array element at location
template <class elemType>
void arrayTemplate<elemType>::retrieveAt(int location, elemType& retItem) const
if(location >= length)
cout << "\tLocation past end of current array length. Cannot insert element" << endl;
elseif (location < 0)
cout << "\tLocation less than 0. Cannot insert element" << endl;
retItem = list[location];
//assign value to be the largest array element in the list
template <class elemType>
void arrayTemplate<elemType>::highestValue(int& location, elemType& value) const
elemType tmpValue = list[0];
int tmpLocation = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
if (tmpValue < list[i])
tmpValue = list[i];
tmpLocation = i;
value = tmpValue;
location = tmpLocation;
//assign value to the smallest array element in the list
template <class elemType>
void arrayTemplate<elemType>::lowestValue(int& location, elemType& value) const
elemType tmpValue = list[0];
int tmpLocation = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
if (tmpValue > list[i])
tmpValue = list[i];
tmpLocation = i;
value = tmpValue;
location = tmpLocation;
//constructor - Array Size
template <class elemType>
arrayTemplate<elemType>::arrayTemplate(int size)
if (size <= 0)
cout << "\tArray must have a size greater than 0. Creating an array of default size, 12." << endl;
maxSize = 12;
maxSize = size;
length = 0;
list = new elemType(maxSize);
template <class elemType>
delete [] list;
#endif /* !ARRAYTEMPLATE_H */
#include <string>
#include "arrayTemplate.h"
class rainfallTracker
public :
void getData();
//verify and fill rainfall list with user input double values
double verifyDblPrompt(int min, string prompt) const;
//verify user input is a double value type greater than min
void clearbuffer() const;
//clear any excess text and failt states from cin buffer
void output() const;
//display the total rainfall, and the respective months and amount for the lowest and highest rainfalls
double totalRainfall() const;
//return the total rainfall for the whole year
rainfallTracker(string location = "Unknown", int data = -1);
private :
arrayTemplate<double> rainfall; //array to hold rainfall totals for each month
string monthsList[12]; //array to hold month names
string countyName; //name of the county for the rainfall data
string year; //year for the rainfall data
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "arrayTemplate.h"
#include "rainfallTracker.h"
usingnamespace std;
//verify and fill rainfall list with user input double values
void rainfallTracker::getData()
string prompt;
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
prompt = "Enter the rainfall (in inches) in " + countyName + " for " + monthsList[j] + " " + year + ": ";
rainfall.insertEnd(verifyDblPrompt(0, prompt));
//verify user input is a double value type greater than min
double rainfallTracker::verifyDblPrompt(int min, string prompt) const
double tmpValue = min - 1; //variable for store unverified user input value, initialized out of bounds
while (tmpValue < min)
cout << prompt;
while (!(cin >> tmpValue))
cout << "\tInvalid. Input an double value.";
cout << endl << prompt;
if (tmpValue < min)
cout << "\tInvalid. Input an double value of " << min << " or more." << endl;
return tmpValue;
//clear any excess text and failt states from cin buffer
void rainfallTracker::clearbuffer() const
cin.ignore(2000, '\n');
//display the total rainfall, and the respective months and amount for the lowest and highest rainfalls
void rainfallTracker::output() const
double mostRain;
double leastRain;
int wettest;
int driest;
rainfall.lowestValue(driest, leastRain);
rainfall.highestValue(wettest, mostRain);
cout << endl << "\t" << year << " Rain Report for " << countyName << endl;
cout << endl << "\tTotal rainfall: " << totalRainfall() << " inches";
cout << endl << "\tThe least rain fell in ";
cout << monthsList[driest];
cout << " with " << leastRain << " inches.";
cout << endl << "\tThe most rain fell in ";
cout << monthsList[wettest];
cout << " with " << mostRain << " inches.";
//return the total rainfall for the whole year
double rainfallTracker::totalRainfall() const
double total = 0;
double nextMonthRain;
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
rainfall.retrieveAt(j, nextMonthRain);
total += nextMonthRain;
return total;
//constructor to initialize monthsList, rainfall, countyName and year
rainfallTracker::rainfallTracker(string name, int date)
//arrayTemplate<double> rainfall(12);
countyName = name;
year = to_string(date);
monthsList[0] = "January";
monthsList[1] = "February";
monthsList[2] = "March";
monthsList[3] = "April";
monthsList[4] = "May";
monthsList[5] = "June";
monthsList[6] = "July";
monthsList[7] = "August";
monthsList[8] = "September";
monthsList[9] = "October";
monthsList[10] = "November";
monthsList[11] = "December";
(SIDE NOTE:) Can anyone tell me how I can have a template array in rainfallTracker object without initializing it before the constructor for rainfallTracker? Including rainfall (of type arrayTemplate<double>) as a data member calls the constructor for arrayTemplate and automatically uses the default size since I can't specify size in the declaration for variable rainfall. Attempting to initialize rainfall to another size in the rainfallTracker constructor does nothing at all to affect the data member (I'm assuming it creates a rainfall variable of that size only for the scope of the constructor which is destroyed after the constructor ends). The default value won't hurt my program here since I have it defaulting to a size of 12, which is what I need, but that could be a problem in other circumstances.
Two problems. FIrst, don't call the arrayTemplate dtor in rainfallTracker's dtor. It will be called automatically. So rainfallTracker doesn't need a dtor at all.
Secondly, you are not creating the array properly in arrayTemplate. You need to use square brackets:
list = new elemType[maxSize];
The way you are doing it (with regular parentheses) just makes a single element initialized to the value in parentheses.
As for initializing the size of the array in rainfallTracker's ctor, the syntax is like this:
1 2
rainfallTracker::rainfallTracker(string name, int date) : rainfall(12)