how to use C++ language to compare Excel file online?

I would like to write a website that can compare 2 excel file online by using C++ language,the compare will be like giving people browse 2 file and compare the excel due to (few specific column and compare all the rows). but i have not idea need to start from which part,did any professional can provide some suggestion for me to have an idea to complete the task?

Now My problem is don't know how to implement compare function into website by using C++ language

Thanks and Regards,
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Are these genuinely Excel format files, or just CSV files (which people commonly view in Excel)?

And, if they are Excel format, are they in the old proprietary format, or the new, open format?
the excel maybe will be like xlsx format,if not mistaken is new one(using excel 2013) and thanks.
You need most likely to use an external library.
Have a look at them:

Does it have to be C++ ?
If you want to do it online using PHP might be easier.
I think visual studio comes with the ability to read excel into one of its widgets(?), but not 100% sure. If so you could dump the files into the widget and compare very easily from there.
@Thomas1965 i will have a look and it have to be C++,thanks.
@jonnin i had downloaded visual studio but i cant understand what do you mean? Thanks.
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There should be a form object (like an edit box etc) that is a 'lite' spreadsheet. I think it knows how to open excel files, but I can't remember. You can check it to see if that is an easy way to deal with your needs.
There should be a form object

I am afraid there isn't. On a WinForm project you could use the OleDBReader or use the Microsoft.Office COM object, but it won't work on a server.
You can't run WinForms apps on a server.

It would be possible to use C# and ASP.NET if the server has MONO installed, but that doesn'yt seem to be an option.

Seems he has to go for external C++ libraries.

Are you sure that the server allows you to run native executables?
that makes sense. Sorry for any confusion; I am not well versed in the windows server side.
Are you using .NET? or native C++? As mentioned above, there are a few online libraries to read xlsx files but there are more for .NET than native c++. I think there may be only one open source C++ library and it is limited in its capability last I checked.
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