Oh wait is it because the post got reported? How does the report system work? Does it
1) Wait for sufficient amount of people to report
2) Wait for a person who has been in the forum for a long time to report
3) Mix of both
4) Wait for just one person to report
What happens if somebody missuses the report function? What happens if the post was legitimate but got deleted because it got reported? Where would the poster appeal for instance?
To original poster: We can't help you do you homework but you can ask for hints and we'll try to explain to you how YOU are supposed to do it. Have you already done something? Post it and we'll help you with that.
This is the one unique aspect of programming forums that I love (that people are keen on you trying the problem yourself and then of course they guide you with it if you don't get it). So keep up the tradition ^_^
Are you saying that it takes only one report to take down a post then JLBorges?
Then you need a minimum join date for the post to be taken down I assume? Otherwise some new account could literally destroy this forum.. So you can report and take down a post instantly?
I just realized that I can remove posts myself! So can like anybody get any post removed? Because I consider myself a relatively new forumer.. Or maybe it's because of my post count? I haven't tried reporting before so I don't know for sure.
I thought that one cannot trivially remove posts, if there are already replies to them.
I have occasionally written a reply and by the time of 'submit' the system states that there is no thread to reply to. Either the poster erased their own post(s), or someone delete-eligible did report.
I have even started to report (obvious spam), only to get error that there is no message. Someone else was millisecond faster.