C/C++ Network

closed account (DEhqDjzh)
Hello, I have 4+ years of experience with desktop c++ but when it comes to network, I am a total beginner and I need your help.
What I want to do is create 2 programs(console). first is for the server(My computer). And the second is for the client. The thing is, Whenever clients(Multiple) opens the second program(From anywhere of the world), I want to be able to send them cmd request(from the server) like color a, tree... But How can I do that? Which steps should I follow?

Note: What I want to do is create a Botnet to test the security of my website (Not for Illegal purposes)
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I suggest using boost asio. It is actually not that easy to wrap the head around, but it pays:

closed account (DEhqDjzh)
So I must use a Library? Isn't there a header in c++ for this?
The C++ standard library does not cover networking.
closed account (DEhqDjzh)
and is there any tutorial about creating a botnet in c++? I searched in google but couldn't find something
Just download Chrome :)

But no, I don't think anyone here is going to encourage you on that topic.
Since it's not for nefarious purposes, you're going to need the cooperation of the "botnet" nodes. The most straightforward way to get that is with money. Rent a bunch (5-20 should probably be enough to saturate your server's bandwidth) of cheap VPSs and install your attack program on them.
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