boolean algebra(circuits)

Hi guys,

so I have taken the time to go back and study some computer architecture,I am on the first chapter and doing boolean algebra,using boolean algebra to simplify digital circuits,

anyhow I am giving this function below

F = ABC + ABC' + A'C (' equals compliment so A compliment)

in the book it says it can be simplified to this

AB(C + C')+ A'C

I'm not sure how it can be simplified to that using boolean algebra I have checked the identity table and couldn't find any matching results.

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Adam2016 what book are you using? Anyway, the simplification is done by using the Distributive Law. see link for more detail:
hey tib,

I am reading computer system architecture by M. Morris
BTW that isn't really "simplified", (C or C') == 1.
good point. that makes it AB + AC`
which factors the whole thing down to A(B+C`)
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