Reading From Data Files using structures and functions

My main question is how to solve where I am going wrong with my code, I am a moderately skilled programmer and I was assigned this code for one of my projects. The problem starts in the getData function after reading through the if statement.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct Person
float avg;
string name;
int age;
void GetData(ifstream& infile, string name[], int age[], float ave[])

if (infile.is_open())
int i = 0;
infile >> name[5] >> age[5];
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
infile >> ave[i];
cout << "The file could not be opened" << endl;

void findTeens(int age[], string name[])
if (age[5] <= 19)
cout << name[5];

void findAvgAge(int age[])
int c = age[5] / 5;
cout << c;
void findAvgScore(float ave[])
int s = ave[5] / 5;
cout << s;
int main()
const int n = 5;
Person a[n];
a[n].name = name;
float ave[5];
string name[5];
int age[5];

ifstream infile("data.txt");

if (!infile)
cout << "Cannot run program please try again" << endl;

GetData(infile, name, age, ave);
cout << name[5] << age[5] << ave[5];

cout << "The teenagers are:" << endl;
findTeens(age, name);

cout << "The average afe of the class is" << endl;
cout << "The average score of the class is" << endl;

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This is what you do:
int age[5];
age[5] = 42;

What is wrong in the index that you use?
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