mingw portable binary

Today I found cevelop (it is eclipse cdt will bells and whistles).
But it needs mingw to be installed and on you path.
I am looking for:
A. A portable prebuilt mingw 64bit (32bit if it have to).
B. How to make eclipse cdt to puck it up. I don't really know if it is enough though to just put that folder in my windows path.
Thanks for all your help.

Only thing I would recommend is to switch plain mingw with mingw-w64.
Thanks a lot @poteto;
I found "prebuild mingw64bit version" it has a bin folder in it ( 📁 bin).
Should I add the whole folder in my windows PATH or just the bin folder.
Inside bin folder there are all exe files. Like gcc.exe ld.exe .....
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That's what it says in the blog. Just point to mingw. You can put bin on the path if you want to compile using the command line if you want, but I think it is easy to just call PATH=C:/mingw/bin. And if you dig deeper I think there should be an option in eclipse to set a path in the IDE instead of using the global PATH.
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