It statement

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i, rows = 0, row_nr;
cin >> row_nr;
//if(row_nr > 1 && row_nr <= 30)
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
for(int j=0;j<row_nr;j++)
cout << i + j*(row_nr)<< " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;

Have this code it gives me the result i want but i want the function to stop at the number 30 i think its the if statement i have comment it .
How many threads have you already created about this one program/problem?
That is doubleposting which wastes everyone's time.

On your first thread
I did ask you to use code tags.

Again, on your first post there was instruction:
User inputs an integer N from the range from 1 to 30. Write a program to display the numbers from 1 to N*N in a table with N*N size.

That does not mean "stop at 30". If the user gives '30', the last printed value must be 900.

Your approach:
int row_nr = 0;
std::cin >> row_nr;
if ( row_nr > 1 && row_nr <= 30 )
  // print table

is correct. It does print the table only if the user gives valid N.

There are two other approaches:

2. Keep asking input from user until a valid N is given. That requires a loop.

3. Clamp input into valid range. If the input is not in [1..30], then change the N into some valid value and print the table. For example:
if ( row_nr < 1 ) row_nr = 1;
if ( 30 < row_nr ) row_nr = 30;

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