My vector class isn't working when i create objects

Whenever I try to create an object I get this error:
"Implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> >'"

Here is the main file, I've commented where the error occurs.

Here is the header file with the class.
Your vector class template is named myVector so you need to use that name when creating the objects.

myVector<int> myvecA;
myVector<int> myvecB(10);
Okay, I did that and it led to a whole host of new errors. Whenever I call the object in the program it now gives me the error "Type 'myVector<int>' does not provide a subscript operator"
What is supposed to happen, if I write:
myvecB [ 7 ] = 42;

Your (template) class does not have operator[](size_t), does it?
Oh no it doesn't, I didn't realize it needed an overload operator. Thank you m'lord.
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