Program won't compile on my computer but will on others

I have a program that is giving me getline errors on certain lines but not all. It also is giving me one or two other errors as well. I have posted my code and others can copy/paste it to work with no problem. I still can't get it to run. I'm using Visual Studio 2017. Anyone have any ideas???
Without seeing the code or the errors, there's not much I can say.
Maybe this has nothing to do with it, but anyway !
Make sure your computer is ready for Visual Studio
Min HDD Space 50~130 gb
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Here is my code.

#include <iostream>

#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

int index = 0; //variable to hold how many custers are entered

struct Address //Structure for the address.


string street;

string city;

string state;

string zipcode;


struct Customer //Stucture for the Customer


string firstNm, lastNm;

Address busAddr, homeAddr;



int displayMenu();

Customer getCustomer();

void showCustomer(Customer);

void allCustomers(Customer[]);

Address getAddress();

void findCust(Customer[], int);

int main()


Customer cust[100];

while (true)


int choice = displayMenu();

switch (choice)


case 1:

cust[index] = getCustomer();



case 2:



case 3:

findCust(cust, index);


case 4:

cout << "Exit program!!" << endl;

return 0;



cout << "Invald selection!!" << endl;


cout << endl;


return 0;


int displayMenu()


//Display menu.

cout << "1. Enter new customer. " << endl;

cout << "2. Display all customers. " << endl;

cout << "3. Display a particular customer. " << endl;

cout << "4. Exit the program. " << endl;

int choice; // User selects the option they want.

cout << "Enter choice: ";

cin >> choice;


cout << endl;

return choice; //Return choice displayed.


Address getAddress() { // User enters requested information.

Address a;

cout << "Enter Street: ";

getline(cin, a.street);

cout << "Enter City: ";


cout << "Enter State: ";

getline(cin, a.state);

cout << "Enter Zip Code: ";

getline(cin, a.zipcode);

return a;


Customer getCustomer() // Enter first name, last name and two addresses and return the customer.


Customer c;

cout << "Enter First Name: ";

getline(cin, c.firstNm);

cout << "Enter Last Name: ";

getline(cin, c.lastNm);

cout << "Enter Business Address: " << endl;

c.busAddr = getAddress();

cout << "\n Enter Home Address: " << endl;

c.homeAddr = getAddress();

cout << endl;

return c;


void showCustomer(Customer c) {

cout << "First Name: " << c.firstNm << endl;

cout << "Last Name: " << c.lastNm << endl;

cout << "Business Address: " << c.busAddr.street << " , " << << " , " << c.busAddr.state << " , " << c.busAddr.zipcode << endl;

cout << "Home Address: " << c.homeAddr.street << " , " << << " , " << c.homeAddr.state << " , " << c.homeAddr.zipcode << endl;


void allCustomers(Customer cust[]) {

for (int i = 0;i < index; i++) {


cout << endl;



void findCust(Customer cust[], int size) {

// Ask user to enter first and last name

string firstName, lastName;

cout << "Enter First Name: ";

getline(cin, firstName);

cout << "Enter Last Name: ";

getline(cin, lastName);

cout << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

if (cust[i].firstNm == firstName && cust[i].lastNm == lastName) {





cout << "Customer not found!" << endl;

This has nothing to do with Visual Studio.
You miss an include directive for <string>
I ran the program,
for me the result is clear and i get ;

1. Enter new customer.
2. Display all customers.
3. Display a particular customer.
4. Exit the program.
Enter choice:
If i pursue the program some logical sequences are missing but the program so far is running
So i followed the test and i 'm getting this for the 1st choice;

1. Enter new customer.
2. Display all customers.
3. Display a particular customer.
4. Exit the program.
Enter choice: 1

Enter First Name: bob
Enter Last Name: the ET
Enter Business Address:
Enter Street: deep valley moon
Enter City: saturn's ring
Enter State: Saturn
Enter Zip Code: n/a

Enter Home Address:
Enter Street: crater 223
Enter City:

The program doesn't let me place Business Address neither Home address

So putting aside the missing logics of the program to fullfil the requirement, over my place i get 1 wrong message at
" Customer cust[100]; " ! (int) !
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Hello Glekker
dev-cpp is good for small program and isn't supported anymore
If anything better would be " ECLIPSE " with " gcc ( MinGW)-compiler "
dev-cpp is good for small program and isn't supported anymore
Of course it is:
I guess you refer to the old Bloodshed Dev-Cpp.
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