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Querying the value of a variable in SQL Server from C ++ (MFC)

Feb 8, 2017 at 2:46pm


I have an issue in C++ (MFC) with SQL Server that doesn't work.

When I query this: (SQL)

select int_field from my_table

With this code:

int myClass::getSQLValue()
CRecordset rs(&myDB);
rs.Open(CRecordset::snapshot,"select int_field from my_table");

CDBVariant var;


return var.m_lVal;

It works fine.


Nevertheless, I need to query a value of a variable

declare @var as int=4;
select @var

so, changing the code above...

int myClass::getSQLValue()
CRecordset rs(&myDB);
rs.Open(CRecordset::snapshot,"declare @var as int=4; select @var");

CDBVariant var;

return var.m_lVal;

This throws a runtime error message at line:

rs.Open(... saying: Debug Assertion Failed!

If someone can give me a better way to do this, I'll really appreciate it.

Feb 8, 2017 at 3:42pm
rs.Open(CRecordset::snapshot,"declare @var as int=4; select @var");

I have not seen or have any experience with passing injected sql this way.

Usually, such sql is created in a sql stored procedure and we then execute the stored procedure from our c++ code.

Does your sample work if you change to a stored procedure?
Feb 8, 2017 at 4:48pm
Thank you SIK.

Yes, I just tried with stored procedure...

create procedure SP_Test1 as
declare @var as int=4;select @var

then, in SQL Query editor:


it works fine.

but, in C++ code, same way!

rs.Open(CRecordset::snapshot,"EXECUTE SP_Test1");

Throws : Debug Assertion Failed!
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