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Looking for an api?

Dec 12, 2016 at 3:29am
Hey guys i've got a project i need to work on , im trying to look for a free api that i can work with something like google maps in for a mobile app, ive used things like irrlicht but i have no way of implementing a map into a mobile app from that API, and im looking for a free source, so QT i would like to try to stay away from anyone know anything?
Dec 12, 2016 at 3:49am
Apparently there may be some free android API from google themselves.

Dec 12, 2016 at 4:02am
oh yeah one more thing, it would be a plus if its cross compatible from android to ios, will i have to make an entire different framework for that or is that a wrapper that does that? ive been searching
Dec 12, 2016 at 4:20am
Okay so actually i found a better solution, im just going to make a web based application , That way when its done i can package it for either Android and Ios . But now im just beyond lost in digging into finding what i can get done web-based with most of my knowledge being in c++.
Probably going to work in HTML5 for this but references are very little for this specific type of thing. going to just start hacking in what i can because it is cross platform
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016 at 4:25am
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