

For Oriented Object Programming course I have the project below. First of all I need to define 5 classes(type "is a"). I do not have any ideea about what classes should I create. Could anybody help me, please?

"Implement a console application that will allow the interaction of a community of users to
solve problems.
The application implements the functions of the online platform http://stackoverflow.com/
for offline usage. One can imagine a terminal not connected to the Internet that users use
it in an asynchronous. The application must be used offline for the first phase of the project.
For the last phase of the project we will provide a server and a client C ++ which can be
used to receive questions and to give answers. In this online phase the console application
is used by a single active user (authenticated when the application is started).
Required abstract components to be implemented by classes:
 Users Accounts; application must allow management of different types of users
(administrator, moderator topic, ordinary user);
 Console application menu; navigation console application is done by screen prompts;
It is a natural choice options (written text console) or by indicating the option (code
number, etc.)
 Topics / issues discussed; application must allow management of different types of
topics sorted by the question topic (ex. C ++, Java, .NET, etc.); Each topic is
associated responses from various users; a user can give one answer that it can change
later; when the author of the topic / issue marks the correct answer the discussion is
marked completed and no further changes are allowed; the app users can filter
discussions options by category, title keyword, by date, etc.
 User classes; depending on the answers given and their accuracy, users are classified
in different categories; thus implementing a bonus system for active participation.
 They can be identified and other entities to enable implementation of the solution."
For Oriented Object Programming course I have the project below. First of all I need to define 5 classes(type "is a"). I do not have any ideea about what classes should I create. Could anybody help me, please?

"Implement a console application that will allow the interaction of a community of users to
solve problems.
The application implements the functions of the online platform http://stackoverflow.com/
for offline usage. One can imagine a terminal not connected to the Internet that users use
it in an asynchronous. The application must be used offline for the first phase of the project.
For the last phase of the project we will provide a server and a client C ++ which can be
used to receive questions and to give answers. In this online phase the console application
is used by a single active user (authenticated when the application is started).
Required abstract components to be implemented by classes:
 Users Accounts; application must allow management of different types of users
(administrator, moderator topic, ordinary user);
 Console application menu; navigation console application is done by screen prompts;
It is a natural choice options (written text console) or by indicating the option (code
number, etc.)
 Topics / issues discussed; application must allow management of different types of
topics sorted by the question topic (ex. C ++, Java, .NET, etc.); Each topic is
associated responses from various users; a user can give one answer that it can change
later; when the author of the topic / issue marks the correct answer the discussion is
marked completed and no further changes are allowed; the app users can filter
discussions options by category, title keyword, by date, etc.
 User classes; depending on the answers given and their accuracy, users are classified
in different categories; thus implementing a bonus system for active participation.
 They can be identified and other entities to enable implementation of the solution."

What part of the assignment are you doing now? Have you started the assignment yet?
No, I did not start. The first "step" is to identify those classes that I need.
I would think the classes are straightforward according to the requirements:

- Account
- menu
- Topic
- User

and the encompassing class let's say:

- Forum

which contains and combines the above classes.
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