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Apr 7, 2016 at 11:39pm
A gallery needs to keep track of its paintings and photographs. It keeps at most 120 artworks on its walls. Each one is described by the following information:
1.) Artist(string)
2.) Title (string)
3.) Medium (oil, watercolor, pastel, acrylic, print, color photo, black-and-white photo) (enum)
4.) Size(struct)
a.) Height(int)
b.) Width(int)
5.) Room(main,green,blue,north,south,entry,balcony)
6.) Price(float)

Write a declaration for a struct that represents a piece of art. Declare struct and enumeration types as needed to make up the fields of the Artwork type. Write an additional declaration of a named array type that holds the list of all the artworks in the gallery. Lastly declare an array of this type called currentList and an int variable called numPieces. the numPieces variable contains the number of pieces represented in the array.

also write expressions to retrieve the following values from the array
a.) The 37th work of art.
b.) The title of the 12th work of art.
c.) The width of the 85th work of art.
d.) The room for the 120th work of art.
e.) The first letter of the artist name for the 78th work of art.
Apr 8, 2016 at 12:18am
Nobody will be doing your homework for you. Attempt it. If you have questions about what you're attempting, feel free to ask.

Also, read http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/1/
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