I need to input 100 characters from a 10x10 grid into an array. How would I go about inputting the file into the array using very basic C++?(I am a beginner)
using a file input such as f_in >> array would be great im just not sure of the syntax
Here's an example of how to read, character by character, a single line of text into an array. This will show you the syntax you need to read into a one-dimensional array. I'm not sure if you are reading a text file with 10 lines, 10 characters per line into a one-dimensional array or a t wo-dimensional array, or what, but this will give you the general syntax.
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char array[ 101 ]; // Array to read into (at most 100 characters + ASCIIZ)
size_t chars_read = 0; // Number of characters read so far (used to index array)
ifstream input( "file.txt" ); // The input file
// Check 2 things: 1) file is still readable, and 2) I'm not going to overflow my array.
while( input && chars_read < 100 ) {
input >> array[ chars_read ]; // TRY to read the character
if( input ) // If I read successfully...
++chars_read; // then increment # of characters read
if( array[ chars_read - 1 ] == '\n' ) // We'll stop reading at a newline in the file
break; // Exit loop if we hit EOL (end of line)
If you need to read into a two-dimensional array, you'd need variables like
input >> two_dim_array[ row ][ col ];
if( input ) {
if( ++col == 10 ) { // Read all 10 columns in this row yet?
++row; // Move to next row
col = 0; // And don't forget to reset column!