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Linking to boost filesystem in code::blocks

Dec 19, 2014 at 1:22am
Ok I have been trying everything for the last 8 hours, so time to ask for help. I have already built the boost libraries with b2 toolset=gcc, which built the .a files in stage/lib. Now I am in code blocks and want to link a boost library STATICALLY and I can't figure it out.

can anyone give me STEP by STEP instruction on how to link the boost filesystem library statically. With no confusion please?
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:19am
I'm going to guess that you also did the PATH= and bootstrap.bat thing...

I'm not sure if this is considered the non-static way, but its how I did it.

Well anyways, in codeblocks super outdated boost wiki page, they put a global variable for boost like this:

Then you put the the filesystem .a thing in the 'build options/linker settings/Link libraries', I recommend the "-d-" because its for debugging.

Also in 'build options/ search directories/ compiler' put "C:\boost_1_57_0".
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