I got a serious problem with my IDE Code::Blocks. Perhaps some users can help me out.
I do not know why but for some reason I cannot compile things properly anymore.
Everything began this early morning, I tried to compile something but the default output window would not pop-up and there were no messages or anything in the build log. So , I restarted Code::Blocks and tried it again. Now the funny thing is if I click build&run it compiles but does not run, when I click on run then the program runs twice. Like, I quit the first instance a second instance of the program pops up. And another thing: If I try to compile AGAIN after that it does not compile but runs the first few lines of the program WITHIN the build log, then the build and run buttons are greyed out and I have to restart Code::Blocks.
I tried reinstalling and all but nothing helped, I don't really want to switch to another IDE, either. Code::Blocks seems to be the best free one available and I never had any problems with but this problem is driving me nuts.