I wanted to store information about a wedding reception and I'm having a few troubles with my program, I'm kind of stuck on what else to do. Please help me. Thanks in advance. :D
void MENU()
gotoXY(35,13, "[A]dd new wedding event.");
gotoXY(35,14, "[V]iew all wedding events.");
gotoXY(35,15, "[H]elp Menu.");
void HelpMenu()
int s;
cout<<"What do you need help with?";
cout<<"\n[A]bout the system.";
cout<<"\n[H]ow to operate.";
case 'A':
cout<<"This system stores and lets you view the wedding events that you accepted."
<<"The name of the participants, the number of guests"
<<", the time and date of the wedding reception and the venue of the place.";
case 'H':
cout << "Please pick from the choices.";
void AddWedding()
/* I wanted a function here that can create an Excel file that will list wedding events. But I don't know how and what function to use. */
void ViewWedding()
void HelpAdding()
cout<<"In adding a new wedding event, you will be asked to fill up the necessary information."
<<"The name of the groom, the name of the bride, the number of guests, the time of the event, "
<<"the date of the event and the venue of the event."
<<"\nThe information you gave will automatically save to the Excel file that can be found "
<<"at the folder 'Fantasia Wedding Reception lists'.";
void HelpView()
cout<<"In viewing all wedding events, the system will display all the events of wedding with the dates"
<<" and corresponding information about the specific wedding. Or you can open the Excel by choosing the option"
<<" to open Excel file."
This is not "General C++" because you do resort to Windows-specific console features.
Furthermore, you have "MS Excel", a proprietary spreadsheet format to cope with.
Tables can be written as ASCII in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, which Excel can both import and export.