Beginners - September 2022

trying to build a basic linear algebra library
I am trying to implement a function to generate a Matrix as it is defined in my Matrix.h file initia...
[3 replies] Last: @seeplus thanks I didnt see that as usual... @JLBorges maybe - I am 3... (by closed account E093605o)
About conio.h
I know that conio.h is not c++ standard library nor a c standard library. Do you know any informa...
[16 replies] Last: I am still using the conio.h, and I guess it is considered a third pa... (by seeplus)
trying to build a basic linear algebra library
I am trying to learn C++ and want to build a Matrix library. So far I have a Matrix.h file: //...
[13 replies] Last: also try to find the first error that relates to your code. You might ... (by seeplus)
About ASCII extended code
I just found two different ASCII code table, I am asking the following: 1: How many ASCII extende...
[11 replies] Last: This is my output in both cmd with @seeplus command and my code to out... (by ninja01)
C-array as function parameter
Hi everyone! I am learning about the subtleties of C-arrays (yes, I know one should use vectors in...
[11 replies] Last: Yeah - my bad. std::span always works with std::array (by seeplus)
Is saying: compiling a program practically wrong?
I think when we say compiling a program, we include implicitly preprocessing it, which is not a comp...
[17 replies] Last: Thanks @Duthomhas (by ninja01)
How to make sudoku16x16 as fast as possible
Good day , I need assistance in making my sudoku as fast as possible currently it completes it in 11...
[7 replies] Last: Yes - I used a variation of that algorithm. Rather than using a bitset... (by seeplus)
I want to only compile not compile and link
With writing this: g++ file.cpp -o file.exe I found myself with an .exe, and I assume that this is ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you @George (by ninja01)
Question 5 about optimization
Probably the last optimization question and it is about initialization Part I Consider the two snip...
[13 replies] Last: Also note that classes that have a default constructor will initialise... (by seeplus)
how do i implement a for loop in a math interpreter
how do I implement loops in a math interpreter? it gets the tokens but discards them after reading ...
[5 replies] Last: You may find this useful. (by kbw)
Trying to compile multiple files
Consider those files: main.cpp # include "file.h" # include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you @salem (by ninja01)
search for words in a file
Hi, I have a program I'm currently working on where I'm trying to read a particular city from a file...
[5 replies] Last: Trim a string: (by Duthomhas)
Using Visual C++ 2022 community edition to compile following JSON C++ program from book C++20 for Pr...
[9 replies] Last: Hello Seeplus: Many, many thanks for fixing the program by correct... (by AlexCantor)
Why const int instead of just int
const int func(void) { return 3; } In code above, what is the need of const int as ret...
[5 replies] Last: A series about using const, starting with const local variables. https... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Some sort of hack?
Can I check wether my operation system is 32/64 using the code below: switch(sizeof(int*)) ...
[16 replies] Last: There are lots of web-pages with "simple code" on the internet that al... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Question 3 about optimization
which one is better: for(int i=0;i<(int)strlen(bTitle);i++) or int titleLength = (int)...
[7 replies] Last: If you change the size of a c-style string within the loop, then you'l... (by seeplus)
Question 1 about optimization
is there any way to test which of two algorithm is best in terms of speed/efficiency and number of i...
[10 replies] Last: See how timings were done in this thread (by seeplus)
Question 4 about optimization
Consider the two code snippet below: int side ,s ,p; cout << "Enter square's side value -> " ...
[15 replies] Last: Yeah - but that was then and this is now as they say. I used to do in-... (by seeplus)
Question 2 about optimization
which one is better a>=6; or a>7 I think the a>=6 does two operations while a>7 does only one, so...
[6 replies] Last: integer comparisons at assembler level tend to be based on a test inst... (by seeplus)
pointer to char related
Consider code below: int i = 3; int *pi = &i; double d = 5.2; double *pd = &d; char c ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much @Ganado) (by ninja01)
September 2022 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [aug2022] [oct2022]

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