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Hello! I've got a doubt

Jan 3, 2013 at 8:52pm
Hi, I'm new into C++ and I wanted to know if this language is useful for developing online applications.
Thanks in advance
Jan 3, 2013 at 9:08pm
mhenry1384 wrote:
I am primarily a C++ programmer, so I don't intend it as a slam on C++ when I say C# and Java are much more modern languages, better suited for 99% of application development you want to do. The downside of C#/Java/etc. is that the users need big bulky runtimes installed on their PCs, and if your users don't have them then they will have to install them. So it is usually better to write consumer apps in C++, where there will be few dependencies and Grandma won't have to figure out how to install .NET framework 3.0.

It's a great language to know though, if you have time, definitely learn it.
Jan 3, 2013 at 9:22pm
Useful, yes. Simple, not so much.
Jan 3, 2013 at 10:24pm
At what stage does a beginner become intermediate, and finally advanced in C++?
My friends boast about how they can know multiple languages. but would it be better to learn a little bit of each language you stumble upon or learn one language thoroughly before moving onto the next?
Right now I've been learning C++ for 9 months. Is it enough? What is needed to fully understand C++?
Jan 3, 2013 at 10:43pm
Blue Shell wrote:
My friends boast about how they can know multiple languages.

I used to claim I learnt VB, Java, Javascript, HTML and such, but then I understood C++ was for me and dropped all of them. You will never program in more than one language once you get advanced.

Blue Shell wrote:
but would it be better to learn a little bit of each language you stumble upon or learn one language thoroughly before moving onto the next?

I began with C++ and find it really good, even if I only used the basics of it.
Then I tried VB, but found it poor after not more a week.
Java, Javascript and HTML didn't last more.
You know a language is "made for you" because you can use it and understand it at the same time.

Blue Shell wrote:
Right now I've been learning C++ for 9 months. Is it enough? What is needed to fully understand C++?

I'm doing C++ from three years and YET i have new things to learn, with the new C++11 'update'.

But I see no compiler being fully C++11 compliant, anyways.
Jan 3, 2013 at 10:46pm
You will never program in more than one language once you get advanced

Oh yea? Have fun with employment.

You know a language is "made for you" because you can use it and understand it at the same time.

You should be able to easily pick up languages after awhile. If you're confined to one language, that's a weakness.
Jan 3, 2013 at 10:46pm
At 9 months you need an additional 3 weeks, 2 days, 7 hours and 46 minutes to fully understand C++. Keep at it, you're almost there!...

Kidding aside, this question is ALWAYS meaningless. We don't know you, or your goals, dreams, limitations, abilities, etc. etc. Simply put, you've learned "enough" of anything if you're able to accomplish your goals with it.
Jan 3, 2013 at 10:59pm
I haven't ever found a use for c++, potentialy theres an infinite amount of uses for it, i cant wait to build my first genuinley useful program
Jan 4, 2013 at 1:11am
closed account (zb0S216C)
C++ wasn't intended to excel in any field of computing. Libraries, such as Boost.Asio, and OS APIs, such as WinSock, aim C++'s power towards networking. Some languages are intended for specific use while others, such as C/C++, are intended for general purpose use.

C++ is a good choice; flexible, fast, general purpose, wealthy choice of libraries and help around every corner.

Jan 4, 2013 at 2:05am
That clears things up, and is good advice.
Ill stick to it.
Jan 4, 2013 at 2:32am
Thanks to all for replying
Mi idea was to create a program that transfers data from one website to another one. For example: A user sends some data from a determined website, the program receives it and then transfers it to another website. In theory it is a very simple task. However i think programming this sort of things is not that easy.
I just wanted to know if this is the right language to create such program. As I have already said: I know almost nothing about programming
Last edited on Jan 4, 2013 at 2:33am
Jan 4, 2013 at 11:33am
I would tend to use C++ (or other language) for a program which runs on my own machine. But for online applications, its often necessary or more appropriate to run a program on the server where a website is hosted. For server applications, though C++ could be used, such tasks are often done using a scripting language such as PHP or Perl. This might be a one-off task run by a site admin, or simply run on-demand when a particular page is displayed in a browser.
Jan 4, 2013 at 3:16pm
There's HipHop which is used by Facebook which compiles PHP into C++ code but I've never used it and don't know much about it. As far as web applications whether it be server side of client side(I doubt C++ can even be done in client side) there are better choices in my opinion. I've used JSP with Java and I must say I really enjoyed using it and thats even though I don't like Java but as a web framework it was powerful, fast(much much faster than Django or PHP) and really flexible and in my opinion a much better choice for server side programming than C++. You could also look at Django and PHP if you would like, never done any Perl but have seen the syntax and strange looking is an understatement. There's also the web framework for Scala which Twitter uses if I'm correct. Its supposed to be very good.
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