I am trying to overload the input operator in the following manner:
I have a playing card class that that contains two private members: rank stores the value of a card, suit stores the suit of the card.
The >> operator should accept cards in the following manner:
where 7S represents the 7 of spades
where KH represents the king of hearts
where 3D represents the 3 of diamonds
For the first example, internally, this would occur within an object of the playing card class:
rank = Seven
suit = Spades
I have created two enum types to use:
enum Rank {Two ... Ace};
enum Suit {Spades ... Hearts};
So my challenge is I am unsure as how to split that one value from stdin into two usable values
istream& operator>> (istream& in, Card& c)
in >> c; //Need help with implementation
return in;