undefined reference to function

My code keeps giving me the same error....undefined reference to 'Function'

I ran into this problem before and when I found the answer before it had to do with the header file.

The top of my code looks like this

using namespace std;

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

struct Tide
string date;
string time;
float height;

void getData(string , Tide [], Tide [], Tide [], string& , string& );
void maxMinMean ( Tide [], double&, double&, double& );

the part that is giving me problems is this..

maxMinMean( lowDataList, lowMax, lowMin, lowMean );

maxMinMean ( highDataList, highMax, highMin, highMean );

the low and high have to do with low tide and high tide, not that it matters.

here is the function...

void maxMinMean( Tide list[], double max, double min, double mean )
max = 0;
min = 1000000000;
double numOfRecords = 0;
double totalHeight = 0;

for(int N = 0;N < (sizeof(list)/sizeof(Tide));N++)
if (list[N].height > max) max = list[N].height;

if (list[N].height < min) min = list[N].height;

totalHeight+= list[N].height;

mean = totalHeight/numOfRecords;

you have forgotten to add the & for max,min and mean when you define the parameters of the function

void maxMinMean( Tide list[], double& max, double& min, double& mean )
max = 0;
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