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read character..

Jun 20, 2012 at 2:46pm
Hi everybody!!

Is there any ways to read the lines and store their characters separately

Lets Say I have the line of "7/10/2008 04:54 PM: 4.2334;3.6547" which contains date and time until the first ';', and two double values separated by ';'.

So what I need to do is read the date, time, and next two values and stored them separately.

Any help pls???
Jun 20, 2012 at 4:37pm
read the lines as a array of character (string) then using the for loop check the ";" character ,if condition satisfy the copy the all character of array before the character ';' into new array.

Jun 20, 2012 at 5:05pm
Jun 21, 2012 at 1:12am
Thanks Dinesh... But I have "7/10/2008 04:54 PM: 4.2334;3.6547" already stored in the array.... what I need to do is to read that elements( of lines) from the array and put the details into the next arrray for furthere processing....
Jun 21, 2012 at 1:12am
thanks chipp.....
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