learning c++!!!

HELLO, i know the basic of c++,but i want to learn more.
so what do you suggest to me?
book,e-book,tutorial or other?
also if you tell me something i would appreciate if it was in greek because i am not good in eglish!!!
Just keep doing small exercises.

This is a nice place to start

As you get better, you will think of more complicated things to do and you'll naturally push your skills.
YES but form which book i could learn easy c++ for beginner?
Going deeper into c++ , should learn some practical simple and light projects

I am totally fedup with those book with "c++ for beginner",they only talk about

the basic syntax of c++ . Practical projects ... keep on searching...
closed account (4z0M4iN6)
Maybe, you should think of some practical, which you could need?
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